Friday, December 8, 2023

Still Here, Still Busy, Proper Post in Progress!

 Been super busy down in the shop. I had a PC I built for Audio/Video work some time back, so I finally took a deep breath, and decided to repurpose that one as the "Lab PC". All my HP equipment has an HPIB/GPIB Interface, and I have plenty of various length HPIB cables, and a Prologix HPIB-to-USB interface. Ultimate goal is to automate my audio testing with the HP-8903, and automate generating RF signals from my HP-8657B, modulated by the HP-8904A Multifunction Synthesizer.

And I have some "Baking with Grandma" stuff, too.

Enjoy your coming weekend, and stay observant.


  1. I worked in the automated testing area at both Hughes and Northrop for several years. Your endeavors to interface with all that test gear brings back some memories of those years and projects.

    Looking forward to seeing more on your efforts.

    1. I worked with/built ATE when I was at Hughes. Then I went to The Dark Side.......

  2. I'll be interested to see how that works out.

    1. SiliconGreybeard used the 8903 under computer control for a former employer. They're boffo instruments in an automated environment, but are cumbersome for doing swept measurements "by hand".

  3. Have only a faint idea what you are talking about but good luck with it.

    1. I'll show you when you're here form Christmas dinner.


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...