Tuesday, December 19, 2023

How Do You Guys (and gals) Manage Your Blogging?

 I just don't understand how people who blog can be so prolific, and on a continuous basis. There are times I posted daily, like when I rebuilt the suspension on the Supra, or on various other projects, and during our move here, but it seems like I just run out of steam at times.

I stick to techie and humor stuff, things I know well, and stay away from politics, which others know far better. Besides, I have to watch my blood pressure, and discussing politics gives me heartburn!

So here it is, a week from Christmas. We have *some* snow still laying around, the streams and drainage ditches are full of frozen water, and the damn geese are all over the place, but it doesn't feel like "Winter" this year. Houses are decorated, and our neighbor at the end of the street collaborated with his next door neighbor, and have "crossover" decorations. One of which is the Grinch and Sam, in neighbor #1's yard, pulling down the lights from neighbor #2's eaves. Funny and creative, and I'll bust out my tripod so I can get some decent 'available light' pix of it. NWS is saying there's a "Chance of Snow" for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and the Denver and Front Range Weather guy on Fakebook says it might be nothing, and we might get clobbered, as there's TWO systems which will converge this weekend.

So have a good week, stay observant, and always remember....


  1. At our blog over the last few years, we have mainly been focusing on events and such rather than the RKBA, Climate Fraud and the political stuff. I have one cooking for the Winter Solstice event to be published soon.

    Daily blogging just doesn't fit into our very busy retirement schedule (tongue in cheek).

    1. "Very busy retirement schedule"....HAH! You got that right!

  2. I'm all over the place because of the various groups I interact with...and humor... And it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble! We've got one of those 'partnering' displays locally too, and I'm GLAD I'm not paying the electric bills!!!

    1. It doesn't seem like too many people have big displays this year. We went out for a drive the other night, and were surprised about the lack of lights up this year.

  3. I haven't posted anything since May 29th. I need to finish up a series I started so that I can post some things I do and I have some technical things in work that would deserve being posted (cough, cough -- an AZ/EL rotator).

    I would like to post on some issues but a few that we look to do such a better job seemingly effortlessly. It is easier to comment to their posts. And no one would probably stop by except maybe the FBI, NSA, CIA or other 3 letter if I did post on some subjects.

    1. I try and stick to things I know. Did I include all the little bits that go with that rotor, like the plastic covers for over the terminal strips on the rotors? Found a pair in the garage, and I don't recall if I sent those or not.

    2. I just checked that the shipper didn't destroy it before storing it away because of "things". I didn't check for all of the parts being there. This was a bad year. I got very sick back in February, and my wife was worried I was going to "kick the bucket". I have been playing catch-up with projects. I do have a mini-split in the ham shack where I will be working. It keeps the environment reasonably stable now. Before, it was too cold in the winter to do anything but talk on the radio wearing heavy clothes.

    3. OUCH! Been a bumpy ride for both of us this last year!

  4. Blog as you wish, or don't as you wish. Blog about things you want to talk about.

    I go weeks doing daily or more, then a week or two when I got nothin' to say.

    At the end of it, I do this because I want to. No one gets paid. People can read or not as they wish.

  5. With the two of us over at Busted, it relieves the stress. I am the comic and Phil is the serious blogger. With his myriad physical problems he is taking a break for awhile. Light posting until he gets on his feet or is forced into retirement. I am not as active as I used to be. MS has me somewhat home bound as it has been flaring up. That is why I have the time to post far too many idiot memes...

    Thanks for your comment about the cabins. Merry Christmas to you and yours. May God's blessing be upon you.

    1. Thanks for the Christmas greetings, and many more back to you.
      I knew Phil was hurtin', and I hope he gets through this rough patch. I had a bumpy year, too, and it sounds like you have, too.


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