Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy New Year!

 Here's hoping '24 will be better than '23. I really don't need any additional Hospital Time.

Winter's been a big bust so far. There's been a decent amount of snow in the mountains (still below normal), but nothing down here in the foothills. We have no snow on the ground, and it's hasn't rained in quite a while. The yard plants are desiccated, and without a snow cover, things around here just look all dried-out , desolate, and dead.

So here's my best wishes for all my friends to have a Happy New Year. Keep your head on a swivel, be vigilant, and may you all Live Long and Prosper.


  1. All the best for you and yours in 2024, DrJim . . .

    1. We wish you and Damsel all the best for the coming year!

  2. Hoping for the best in 2024, but preparing for the worst. It is, after all, a presidential election year. Civil unrest likely.

    Stay away from those hospitals. They're full of sick people.

    1. Yes they are, very sick people!

      And I suspect this Summer I'll be in Condition Orange more than Condition Yellow. Keep Thine Head Borne Upon A Swivel!

  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Parson. We wish you and yours the same.

  4. Concur on best wishes for 2024!!! We NEED a break!

    1. Boy, do we ever! I just wonder what TPTB are going to do to inflame the fling moneys this Summer!


Keep it civil, please....

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