Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Tap...Tap...Tap...This Thing Still Work?

 Yo...been incognito for a while. Sweet Little Wife had the flu, and COVID, and then it was my turn. Which occurred at the same time I was having the post-op results (passing blood, clots, discomfort) of the TURP procedure. I mean like LOTS of passing of Red Stuff and Chunks of Red Stuff. Not real pleasant, and I went through a whole package of Depends. But, all things must pass (couldn't resist it) and this did, too.

And I'm still having some "echoes" of the August-spend-your-birthday-in-the-hospital incident. Have an appointment tomorrow afternoon about that, so I'm hopeful.

So.....I (finally) finished the Nakamicih BX-300 cassette deck, and shipped it out to a very patient member of the Audiokarma forum. Thanks, Bob!

And Ye Gawds....does it sound GOOD!

I haven't heard Buffalo Springfield sound so good in 50 years!

Of the two decks I bought, this one was the "beat-up" one. It was filthy inside and out, and the belts had turned to goo, but the heads scoped out perfect, so I went ahead gave it the Full Monty. Even beat-up, it had several bits in better condition than the #2 unit, so it donated those. While this one has all the warts and blemishes of both units, it works spectacularly well, and the buyer gets a 100% functional, but not pretty, deck for half the going price. And I made a few $$ on it, too. I'll never get rich doing this, but it helps defray the cost of my stereo habit!

Well that's it, comrades. Still here, still ornery, and still above ground. Been a bumpy ride this year, and we're hoping the coming year won't be like the last.

I got too much stuff to do!


  1. Glad to read you are on the mend. Thank you, Lord.
    Congratulations on the cassette deck, also. Maybe you won't get rich; but you have the satisfaction. :)
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I sure got closer to Our Lord this year!

  2. Hang in there DrJim. We're still mentioning you in our daily talks with the Almighty.

    The tape deck looks pretty nice. Good job!

    1. Thanks! I just hope the buyer is happy with it.

  3. Good to hear you are both on the mend. Picked up Sisty this morning at DIA. She was in Reno for a few days with her daughter and grandson.

    1. Yeah, had some bouncing around (again) the last month. Urology has cleared me, and the TURP worked wonderfully, except for passing all the stuff out. YUCKOLA!

  4. Glad to see you back. Stuff happens as we get older. Who knows when we will get the recall. I have my share of issues but we just need to keep pressing on as it may happen today or well into the future.

    Project looks good. Getting that equipment back into working order can be a challenge.

    1. Yup, "Press On Regardless". The cassette deck was tedious, but nothing extremely difficult. Turns out the buyer got the better of the two units. The front panel on the #2 unit got something splashed on it that messed up the anodizing, and I'm not sure I can make it look as good as I'd like it. Plus the unit was a lot dirtier than I thought. If the refurb goes good electrically, then I might just call this one my "Junkyard Dog" cassette deck.

  5. Ohhh, wow! I remember those! Never could afford one... sigh And glad y'all are getting back to normal!

    1. I think MSRP for these was ~$650. I couldn't afford one, either. Had Hot Rod parts to buy instead!


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