Thursday, August 17, 2023

Oh, Boy....Back in the Hospital

Turns out going to Urgent Care this morning was a wise decision. They drew a bunch of blood, and did an ECG. The ECG came back with some Abnormal findings. That, along with the blood test results, was enough for the Urgent Care Doctor to give us our marching orders to report *Immediately* to the ER, and I was admitted. So tomorrow I have an cardiac ultrasound in the morning, and possibly a Cardiac Catheterization,  formally called an Angioplasty. So depending on the outcome I'll either be discharged tomorrow afternoon, or the next day.
I'll post more tomorrow, if able.


  1. The hospital is a good place to be when you are very sick.

    I am glad to see that you and your bride are taking your health seriously. Married men live longer for a reason. We have professional health minders keeping an eye on us.

    1. I have no complaints about the care I received, and I'm rating it as "Superior", especially compared to what I got in SoCal.

  2. I'm not of fan of hospital food.

    Good luck to you.

    1. Neither am I, but this was OK. You call and order from a menu!

  3. Heal quickly. Winter is coming and the Supra needs exercise.

  4. Be safe and remain a crotchety old fart and get well! Question everything a nurse or doc says. Coming from a retired nurse, medicine has become strange. Request a second or third opinion!

    1. I'm pretty confident these guys (and gals) know what they're doing. The low Sodium threw us all for a curve.

  5. My prayers are with you. Get well quickly.

  6. Get well, DrJim. Damsel and I are praying for you.

  7. Hang in there & heal quickly, my friend. Prayers sent when you posted, but the I.T. gurus at work don't allow commenting on social media.

    1. Thank you, my friend. Sure am getting good at finding things I like to read in the Bible!

  8. A Cardiac Catheterizaton is typically a diagnostic procedure done to evaluate the coronary arteries. If indicated at that time an angioplasty...which is a therapeutic procedure can be done. Hopefully if an angioplasty is required it can provide enough therapeutic relief that an actual open heart coronary bypass can be avoided.

    1. Yes, very similar to what I had when the stents were emplaced.

  9. Geez, so sorry to hear (over at VM)...but glad you are headed home. Best.

    1. Thanks, Paul. Drop by anytime. I don't have the wonderous stuff LL has, but all are welcome here.
      At least until they start bustin' chairs over each other.....

  10. Thank you all. Got home today about 1400, and things are good so far.

  11. Thanks, SiG. The last 5~6 months ure have been a roller-coaster ride! Now we have to figure out why I'm blowing all the Sodium out of my system.

  12. Glad to see you back home. I have been checking in fairly regularly and was starting to think things had gone sideways for you.

    Prayers again that the doctors and labs can figure out what is going on.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...