Friday, August 25, 2023

Home Again, Just A Quick Post.

 Got home Tuesday about 1400, and was feeling pretty good, with a few dips, and one "splat", where I just had to stop, sit down, and have some 50/50 OJ and water. My mental state has returned to normal, and the Docs are watching my blood Sodium, Magnesium, and Potassium levels, which were lower than normal. The Sodium really bothered them, as the normal range is 135-to-140. and I was down at 120/121. If you go much below 120 for any length of time, you're looking at a REAL Medical Emergency. my new glasses, and they're much better. Feels nice when something good happens!

Longer post to follow, but just wanted to thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. Feeling better today (Thursday), and I'm off to see my Primary Care Doctor in an hour.


  1. Glad to see you're back. Hang in there . . .

    1. Doing my best, following Doctor's Orders, and getting better day by day.

  2. Wonderful that you are home and doing better. Keep improving.

  3. I'm happy to see you back in fighting trim! Don't rush it and things will come together.

  4. Hopefully the Med Folks can get this dialed in for you in short order, get the system re-balanced.

    1. They've been great. The medical care I've received this year has been superb, better than what I would have received in Long Beach. I have to get tested for Sodium and Magnesium twice a week until they can determine if this was a transient event caused by the withdrawl (My Docotor called it a "Cardiac Insult") or has an different underlying cause.

  5. Glad the docs were able to get a handle on what was happening.

    Darn those cats...I mean cations. Sounds like you have quite a job herding them and keeping them in balance. Fortunately, you are quite a man.


  6. Good news, and yes, that sodium level IS NOT GOOD!

  7. Got the lab results back from yesterday's blood draw, and everything is back "In The Green".


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...