Tuesday, August 23, 2022

"Pretty In Primer", Part Deux

 Scuff sanded it (again!) with 320 grit, tacked it off, and shot another coat of SEM "Flexible Part Primer Surfacer" this afternoon. I'm going to let it sit for 48 hours so the primer bonds and shrinks, then scuff it again, and paint it black. The car needs a proper paint job (about $15k at current rates) that I'm not going to do, so having a "Pebble Beach Class" front bumper just ain't gonna happen!

Since I have to get it smogged again in April, when my 5-year "Classic Car" tags expire, I figured I'd better get off my duff and GET TO WORK...!

I wanted this done well over a year ago, but then the scamdemic was released, and I had some serious issues with one of my heart meds, AND had the hip problem.

I wanna have my SLW plop down in the shotgun seat, and go to Freddy's for a burger, something I'd promised her when the car first arrived.

And then there's my favorite Rist Canyon Road/Stove Prairie Road/Poudre Canyon Road loop I like to drive. I'll have my son the ace photog take some pix and submit them to nest years "MKII Supra Calendar" that a friend publishes.


  1. Replies
    1. I had fun hustling my Grand Cherokee along those roads. Poor SLW may get carsick if I go through there full-bore in the Supra!

  2. "Scamdemic." Excellent word coinage. I intend to plagiarize it.

    1. Not my coinage, but feel free to use it. I did..

  3. A lotta work but it's like the nose on your face, the first thing people focus on.
    It's going to make a HUGE difference when it's all shiny new looking!

    1. It was the worst thing on the car. I should have refinished it back in Long Beach before I let it get this bad. I wanna DRIVE that sucker again! Even got out my new rear speakers and new power antenna. Got some great radio stations here!

  4. What is your ETA to completion?

    1. I have a couple of small areas that need a bit more sanding, and spot primer and dry/cure. I'm hoping to spray the topcoat on Friday, let it sit for a couple of days to cure, then put the lights, signals, and grill back in. *MIGHT* be on the road Sunday.

  5. 15K to paint? Earl Scheib can paint that car for $39.95! That is a lot to paint that small of a car... You have to be smog checked in Colorado? I know it is a communist nest, but I didn't think that extended to there. Is it a whole state requirement?

    1. The cost of just the materials for a proper paint job have tripled in the last several years. Yes, it's a small car, with a simple one-color, single-stage paint job, and it would have about $5k worth of materials. The rest is labor. Sand, primer, sand, primer, paint, sand, buff, and polish. LOTS of hand labor. We have to get a smog check in this county because we're in the "Front Range Urban Corridor", so Denver and the greenie-weenies call the shots. I thought Wekd County was outside the area, but I see WSF talking about getting his cars smogged, so I guess I was mistaken.


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...