Wednesday, August 24, 2022

"Pretty In Primer", c'est Fini!

 GROOOAN...............Six-and-a-half hours of block-sanding later, it's ready for the topcoat.

I'd been worried about some of the sanding scratches that were showing through the primer/surfacer/filler, but after I remembered I have like four coats of the primer on it, I went ahead and blocked it out with 240 grit. There's was plenty of primer to sand on, and they just about went away.

Blocking it again with 320 grit made them disappear.

I was temped to tack it off and spray the edges tonight, but.......I'm going to hold off until tomorrow. I'll inspect it again with fresh eyes, and if I decide it's ready.....SHOWTIME!

In celebration of this joyous event, I brought out the grill, fog lamps, and turn signals that I restored oh....two years ago?

Having my hip get crazy, along with the scamdemic being set loose upon us, AND having issues with my medications (lose 60lbs, and you'd better adjust the dose!), kinda knocked the stuffings out of me for about a year. Oh, well....I'm still on this side of the turf, so Press On Regardless!

I even dug out my front license plate and bracket, which had to come off so I could mask the area.

The rest of tonight will be spent down in the Electronics Workshop coming up with arcane things to do.....


  1. Replies
    1. To paraphrase Bullwinkle...This Time For Sure!

  2. The job looks very nice. It's going to turn out great, I'm sure.

    I'm intrigued by the Gimbel ZR-4 in the left background of the last photo.

    1. It's 99 years old. Next door neighbor gave it to me. He'd sunk several hundred bucks into having it "restored", and he was ripped off Big Time. That's definitely a Winter project!

    2. I'd love to follow along on that project.

      DrJim's Radio Museum coming soon . . ..

    3. A very limited museum, I assure you! 4 tubes, regen detector, battery powered. I'll have to wire a bunch of 9V batteries in series for the B+!

  3. I want to see photos of that beast on the road!

    1. You will, God Willin' and the Crick Don't rise! It's a beast around corners, but pretty docile in a straight line. It only has 165HP, at sea level, and I can feel the difference being up here vs in Long Beach.


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...