Wednesday, August 31, 2022

It's Alive!

 Backed her out of the garage, washed her, and went for a 45 minute ride around the area. Runs good for 2 year old gas (with Sta-Bil in it), and while it still has a "hot oil" smell, it's not dripping oil everywhere.

I'd forgotten how nice it is to drive, even though I didn't push it hard. The alternator needs replacing (new one is on the bench) as it holds 13.9 Volts, barely enough to charge the battery and power the car. The new one is from a later year Camry, which drops right in, and raises the output from the OEM 35 Amps to 80 Amps.


  1. Good on replacing the alternator. Having that extra electrical power is good for future Ham Radio Stuff, right?

    Your Supra looks Super . . .

    1. The only Ham Radio item in this car would be an HT for emergency use. Some of the Ham repeaters here have superior coverage to the cellphone network, and there's ALWAYS people listening, and ready to get or send help. I enjoy driving it too much to want anything other than the stereo to distract me.

  2. I assume you have taken some anti-theft measures? To a segment of our population, that is a very desirable item. Glad you have it running. Soon to take SLW on your loop?

    1. I has two anti-theft systems in it now. Toyota made one standard equipment after the first two models years were #1 on the stolen car list back in '82~'83. Punks would steal them for the stereo, seats, and wheels/tires.
      It also has a Viper alarm in it, and functioning door, hood, and hatch switches. And YOW...that sucker is LOUD! There's also a hidden toggle switch I added that kills the power to the fuel pump, and EFI.

  3. Excellent work there buddy. She looks Cherry!

    1. Thanks, Phil! Means a lot coming from you. My "Supra Family" is ecstatic I got it back on the road. The forums lit up after my first couple of posts in..oh..three years? And the boxes of parts on the storage racks are diminishing daily, as stuff gets put back on the car. Real good feeling to see empty shelf space again!

  4. Replies
    1. They actually look better in person. The first thing that strikes people is how low it is. The first question is "What Is It?", followed by "A Toyota?".

  5. Nice. That more powerful alternator will be very useful come cold weather and cold charge-resistant batteries.

    1. It's a "known issue" with these cars that the OEM alternator is marginal, at best. Even when mine was up-to-snuff, the lights would dim as the turn signal flashed at idle! Should also help with the powered subwoofer and booster amp I have sitting on the shelf.

  6. Nice looking hot rod! And a tribute to the amount of work and attention to detail you've put into it!

    1. Thanks, NFO! It still has a zillion things wrong/broken/worn out (like the carpet) that I have to address.

  7. Sweet looking car.

    I can't believe anyone would be crazy enough to design a car with such a low output OEM alternator. Not even enough current to run the blower motor on high and headlights on high at the same time without loosing charge from the battery.

    1. The test procedure for the alt is "2,000RPM, 35 Amps Minimum Output". I think what they actually output is about 45~50 Amps. It's another "Known Issue" with these cars.


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

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