Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Calm Before The Storm

 Been having flurries since noon, but not much is sticking....for now. The shot below was taken at 1700 local, and at approx 1800 local we had about an inch. Expected overnight snowfall is anywhere from 6~10", with another 2~4" expected tomorrow.

So for now, we're just patiently waiting.....

Tonight's project in the workshop is to make four three-foot BNC jumper cables so I can connect all my test equipment to a single timebase generator. Three of my instruments just have the standard timebase oscillator in them, but my RF signal generator has the "High Stability" option. I'll take the output of that, run it to a little 10MHz distribution amplifier, and then to each of the other instruments. This way all the readings I make are referenced to a single timebase, ensuring their accuracy is improved.

SLW is feeling much better. Minor cough today, no fever, and no other symptoms of The Plague.


  1. Thirty mile SSE of you, conditions are the same. My preparation was moving my two vehicles into the middle of the parking lot where the plow truck driver can't plow them in (much). What I miss from my former apartment is the carport. Forecast is clear by the weekend.

    1. NWS is forecasting more snow for us than you. My son put four 50 lB bags of pea gravel in his truck and says it's "better". I used to put about that much sand in my '70 El Camino, but the improvement was minor. Got stuck in my own driveway one night!

  2. Bad weather justifies work at home in the shop. Which means that it's good weather.

    Happy to hear SLW is feeling better.

    1. yuk-yuk!

      This something I've wanted to do for some time now, and should improve my measurement accuracy.

      Since this would be an "Infrastructure Improvement" to the shop, I wonder if I could get some government cheese?

  3. Glad to hear your wife is feeling better, drjim.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. Glad to hear the sickbay report is getting better.

    Snowthrowing. I tried out a pair of cheap ski goggles from Amazon while running the machine, and they fogged up terribly.
    Next time I will try putting them on last, instead of burying the air vents beneath the balaclava and the furry hat.

    1. I still say she just has a cold....BUT....thanks!

      I've got an old anti-fog stick of waxy stuff that I use on my glasses. Still get hit with snow, but they don't fog when I come in.


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