Monday, January 31, 2022

Uh-Oh.....SLW has "The Coof"....

 Well, the test kits she got at the Safeway indicates she has it, had it, or has been exposed to it. Now considering she's "Double Vaxxed" (no boosters), and has been around The Public much more than I have, she probably has a greater chance of having been exposed to it than I do.

Or will being vaxxed show you as "exposed" to the virus?

I tested negative with the other kit she brought home, even though two weeks ago I  had a nasty cold, which I thought may have been The Plague, but apparently wasn't.

Or at least the "Made In China" test kit says it wasn't.

Thought I'd read something about these test kits being about as accurate as a coin-toss, but seeing as there are several different kits, I'm sure YMMV. We just received one of the free kits from the State of Colorado, and she says she can get three more kits for free.

Be very interesting to re-test myself with one of these kits, and see what it says....

We're supposed to get 2~4" of snow Tuesday night, and another 2~4" on Wednesday, so I get to warm up the Ariens again and drive it around. Seeing as it laughed at the 6" we had earlier, it'll be interesting to see how it handles 8".......


  1. In anticipation of Tuesday pm did a 191 mile trip out on the Plains today. Another tomorrow just down the I-25 corridor - two to three hours. Then it stay at home until everything clears.

  2. Or it could be just a regular flu, as the tests can't differentiate between Der Covid and El Seasonale.

    1. I wondered about that.

      So the tests are just a waste of time and taxpayer dollars....

  3. And I believe that getting the vax can show a false positive also.
    You all stay warm and God bless, drjim.

  4. Best wishes for a swift recovery, whichever virus it is.

  5. Concur with Beans... And yes, hope she gets well quickly, whatever it is!

    1. Thanks, NFO. She's feeling much better today. I think it's just a cold, but she's cautious because of the Little Ones...


Keep it civil, please....

Seventy-Eight Degrees!

 And for my friend SiG , 19% humidity!  Just gorgeous today, and I'm out in the garage painting some small parts, and dropping the exhau...