Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Hectic Two Days

 Well.....SLW was in Austin visiting a friend, did a trip-and-fall at a venue they were at on Sunday, and wound up in the ER with two broken bones at her arm/wrist junction. The Doctors in the ER took X-Rays, pronounced she had two broken bones, and then splinted it, wrapped it, gave her a few painkillers and an Rx for some additional ones, and sent her on her way.

She toughed it out Sunday night and Monday, but changed her flight to the earliest one she could get on Tuesday. Every bump, jiggle, and bounce on the ride back made her wince, and she cried in pain a couple of times, as the few pills she was able to get from the pharmacy wore off.

We spent most of  today at the Orthopedic Clinic, getting more detailed X-Rays, and some consultation. She's going in Monday morning for surgery to realign things, and install a plate and two screws to hold things in position while the bones knit back together. It's outpatient surgery, and she'll be home in the afternoon. I never thought I'd ever hear her say "Thank GOD for Percocet", but then I've never seen her in that kind of pain.

Son had two days of orientation and training at his new company's place in Denver, and he was out in the field today, all day. He'll be working out of Greeley, and today they were down by Fort Lupton on Weld 19 flagging for a company upgrading the electric service to the area. Tomorrow they'll be in Broomfield doing the flagging for a repaving job off 287. So far he likes it (one day?), and he's getting the same pay as he was making in Lost Angeleez, with about 1/10th the stress, so he thinks it's a good far!


  1. Prayers on the way for SLW. Hope she gets through the surgery OK. None of it sounds like it will be too serious so thank God for that.

    1. She's in some pain, but it's manageable. Thank God it's not life threatening.

  2. Oh my goodness that sounds extremely painful.
    Healing prayers and best wishes on the way!
    Looks like you will have to be picking up the slack there bud.
    Don't overdo it.

    1. Yeah, she's hurtin' for certain! Good thing my son is here to help.

  3. My prayers that your wife's surgery goes well and she is healed soon. I guess that is what passes for medical treatment in "Moscow on the Colorado".

    Glad that your son likes his job, makes as much as he did in Kalifornia, and has successfully completed his CALEXIT. Isn't the cost of living lower there in Colorado?

    1. Yeah, they patched her up, but she did her own CASEVAC back to here.

      Cost of living is somewhat lower here than in SoCal, but the "stress relief" from being out of there more than balances any monetary savings.

  4. With winter coming, your son needs to become familiar with Murdoch's and Bomgaars stores. Not cheap but their outdoor winter wear is durable, and more importantly, does the job. Farmers, ranchers, and oilfield workers shop there.

    1. He's been talking to the guys he works with, and they seem to like Carhart clothing. I think I heard him mention Murdoch's. He brought some "cold weather" gear with him, but, uhhh, it's not "Colorado Cold Weather" gear, and he's learning about minor things like the wind, getting rained on, etc, etc...

  5. Hope SLW recovers with few complications.

  6. Ouch, hope SLW gets fixed up quickly! And prayers for a smooth recovery. Re the flagging, wait until he has to do it in rain/snow/cold, THEN see how much he likes it.

    1. Thanks, NFO!

      Oh, yeah, he got rained on yesterday, and said the wind tends to blow you (and the "paddle" sign) around a bit.

  7. Absolutely prayers. Glad she got home safely.
    God bless you all, drjim. He is good.

    1. Thanks, Linda. The ride from the airport was painful, but the Doctors here gave her some better pain meds.

  8. Sadly distal forearm fractures are common..and get more so in older adults. We even have an acronym in ER describing the mechanism.....FOOSH, fell on outstretched hand. Being such a common injury means orthopedists are well practiced at dealing with it.

    1. Thanks for the acronym. She said the local Doctors assured her it was a common, well understood procedure.

  9. Keep us updated on SLW's progress.

    1. Will do! We have tickets to see Jeff Dunham tonight down at The Ranch (aka Larimer County Fairgrounds) and she's really looking forward to it.

      She got a call today from a manager at the venue, and they've submitted it to their insurance company. They'll notify her further once a claim number has been generated. She just wants her out-of-pocket expenses reimbursed, and her $110 for the ticket.

      I'm sure Larry H Parker et al would love to get their hands on this, but that's not SLW's style....


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