Sunday, November 1, 2020

Three Years Ago Today.....

 We started moving in here!

We closed on the 31st, and started moving in boxes of stuff on the first while waiting for the "Pods" our furniture, housewares, clothes, and other stuff were packed into were delivered.

It's been a great three years, watching our grandson grow from a 10 week early preemie to the healthy young kid he is today, and watching the seasons go by.

Learned a LOT about the weather, too, and how to dress for it.

And got the house all into shape from what it was when we bought it. New roof, new windows, a very large tree removal, and a new Southern fence, along with $500 worth of light bulbs, new washer and drier, towels, bedding, and a host of other items needed to fill up this big place.

I learned how to make and tend a decent fire in the fireplace, decent meaning it won't burn down the house or go out in 20 minutes, and got a crash-course education in the maintenance and operation of snowblowing equipment.

We've made some friends in the neighborhood, watched it change significantly, and found some nice places to go for live entertainment.

No, I don't have a Battleship to go play on, but we're no longer in Lost Angeleez, and that means a lot.


  1. And, yet, you still don't have a decent snowblower. (sound of foot tapping...) :)

    Glad you moved. Heinlein's Crazy Years have nothing on what's happening in California now. Or any of the Left Coast states.

    1. This week, Beans!

      Ariens DeLuxe 24" model. Could probably plow the street with it.....

  2. "Learned a LOT about the weather, too, and how to dress for it."

    Tie Siding watching UP 4014 and UP 844 double headed up the grade?

    1. I was OK, but SLW was freezing her tush off!

      And now I have TWO pair of gloves! Gloves are a big thing to me. I always had a couple of pair back in Illinois. I'll put up with the hassle of taking them off when I pump gas so I can manipulate the wallet and such, but put em back on once the pump is ready.

  3. The only regret I have after using the Ariens Deluxe 30 for two winters is that I didn't get the tracks instead of wheels. But the hand-warmer built into the handles is a very welcome thing!

    1. The first time I saw TRACKS on a snowblower I was speechless!

      How easy is yours to steer? I think your 30" and the 24" I'll be getting have some kind of "disc" differential in them. One of the things I really hated about the electric one I had was that it had a solid axle, and always wanted to go straight. It was very difficult to do a 180 and head back the way you just came to get the other half of the sidewalk.

  4. Dang time just FLIES anymore!
    I can hardly believe it's already been three whole years.

    1. And the Supra still isn't finished.....!

      Did you sell the Spridget to the interested party?

    2. I feel ya.
      No, I never heard another word from the guy. I did get the transmission finished and installed. It is basically a turn key rig again except the tires and floorboards are rotten now. It never ends. I'm hoping to get rid of it come Spring, Good Lord Willing.
      33 years is plenty enough nightmare for anyone.

    3. Yeah, I followed the Great Transmission Adventure. Glad it went smooth.

      Tires are easy, but $$.

      How bad are the floorboards? Are at the Fred Flintsone stage?

    4. I've already patched both sides where your feet go, now it's rotting out in the seat pan areas $125 a side plus shipping for the sheet metal...

    5. Didn't know of them. A very good friend has a TR6, and he's always pawing through Moss Motors catalogs!

      He went and stuck high-back buckets from a Miata in it, and it just looks sooooo wrong!

    6. I think they are in Kansas of all places. A lot cheaper than Moss and they do all kinds of British cars.
      High backs in a TR?
      Just, NO.

    7. He's pretty tall, like about 6'4", and he didn't like the OEM seats because he couldn't get the headrests high enough, and the top of the seat hit him in the shoulder blades. I think he got the Miata seats from some "advice" he found on a forum. He did a first-class job, but they just don't look right.

      And on top of that, the seats are TAN!

      The rest of the interior is black with red piping in an off-white body color, and they clash something fierce....

  5. Glad things are working out! :-)

    1. We both had some serious adjusting to do, as I'm sure you've gone through. Moving from a Major Metropolitan area to what the city people would call "The Sticks" has benefits, but it's a different way of life.

  6. Gee, it seems like no more than last year to me. It must be really zipping for you. Congrats!

    1. Thanks, SiG! It's been a roller-coaster ride between tearing one house apart, moving the contents 1100 miles and then reassembling it, getting used to snow and yardwork again, and meeting new friends.

      Way better place to live than SoCal, so it was worth it.


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