Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving To All

 We were going to head up North in rural Larimer County for Thanksgiving, but SLW has a bit of a cold, some of the relatives attending are in their mid 80's and she doesn't want to expose them, and as she's headed to Kaliforniastan next week for a visit, she wants to lay low, rest up, and steel herself for the trip.

So we'll have a quiet dinner and take the dog for a walk, giving thanks for all we've been blessed with.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, DRJIM and SLW (and to Pebbles the Wonder Dog). I hope you have a blessed day and that SLW recovers soon.

    1. Thanks, LL. She's doing OK, but just wanted to relax today.

  2. Quiet day here. Beautiful morning, Banner and I took our walk, and later today a very small gathering with a few neighbors. Hope SLW recovers in time for her trip.

    1. She's doing better. Not as "sneezey" today, and the trip is 7 days away.

  3. Happy thanksgiving to you and yours!

  4. Wow, I thought I had been here earlier.
    I trust you had a Great Thanksgiving.

    1. Thanks, Ed. Nice quiet dinner and a good walk with the dog.

  5. You Demoturds still have no clue as to why Trump got elected, News Flash, he was elected because of the LOUSY job that Obama was doing!


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