Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Ball of Confusion

Smoke and mirrors, and "Industrial Scale" voter fraud.

And I'm aghast at the breathtaking stupidity and apathy of the "American" people.

This is treason, and people need to hang for it.....


Hat Tip to Rev Paul who calmed me down enough to figure out how to embed the video.....


  1. I've had to look around a bit to find the widgets & buttons which allow embedding. They're still there, but much harder to find. For no apparent reason that I can discern...

    1. I just used to copy the embed code and paste it on the page. Now instead of displaying the content of the link, it just shows the HTML code.

      I'll have to sniff around a bit.

    2. Have to use the annoying import video button or do it in the html editor. Grrrr.

    3. That's what I figured out, parson. You now have to use their "tool" to post a video....

  2. I'm holding off posting anything until the picture becomes clearer. Right now the only thing clear is the Democrats believe the end justifies any and all means, legal or not legal.

    1. Agreed, although from several days perspective ain't any better!

  3. Replies
    1. Maybe Jimmy Buffet can revise his "Banana Republic" song....

  4. Great video/tune!

    What breathtaking wickedness.

    1. I lived in those days when it was a new song on the radio. Not much has changed except my perspective.

      Yes, it's astounding. What's even more astounding is that the sheeple are falling for it.

      I weep for my Country.....


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