Tuesday, September 29, 2020

No, I Didn't Watch The Debate

I started to, and then turned it off when I heard the first question.

Therefore, I have no opinion on who "won" the debate.

Besides, I can't stand the after session where the talking head tells me what they just said, what they really meant, and then hear the talking head's opinion of what they said and what it meant.


Thank you

If they aren't speaking in plain English (and I suspect President Trump did), then they have no business up there debating in the first place.

Plenty of others will have their opinions, and I'm sure the video will get sliced-and-diced for all manner of reasons.


  1. Hi D.J.,
    A Big Trucker's "10-4!!!!!!!!!!"
    Audentes, Fortuna, Ivat!!!!!,

    1. Might turn out to be "Lock and Load" when Trump wins again....

  2. Trump did a good job.

    Biden sounded like he was speaking from pre-loaded statements and jumped horribly once he started rambling.

    Wallace was a disaster and his rather biased handling of Biden interrupting Trump vs T interrupting B just sucked.

    They should have gotten Hannity or Carlson to moderate, maybe Limbaugh, now that would have been a hoot.

    Other than that, it was... horrible. I watched it because it needed to be watched, but the softball questions asked of Joe and the hardball questions asked of Trump, and the back-n-forth jab and counterjab was just tiring.

    Though hearing Biden tell Trump to 'just shut up' was rather interesting.

    1. Thanks, Beans.

      When the "moderator" turns off the viewing audience within the first 90 seconds, it's NOT going to a good debate, and Wallace's attitude turned me right off.

      I figured it would be a stacked-deck affair, and you confirmed it.

  3. I was still on the road. Wouldn't have watched it. President Trump is who I'm voting for. I don't like him, on a personal level, but I like the job he is doing.

    1. I'm not sure if I "like" him, but he's doing one HELL of a good job.

  4. It was a dumpster fire! Glad you didn't waste your time. I turned it off after 30 minutes.

  5. Turned it off after a bit less than 5 minutes. The winners were those who didn't watch at all. I do have a suggestion as to how to improve the debates though over on my blog. Billllsidlemind.

    1. His first question, and the manner he delivered it in, told me volumes about what was coming up. Nor wanting to get upset, I killed the live stream.

  6. Save the brain cells-collect the whole set!

    1. Can I get replacements for all those I "broke" in my 20's?

  7. You didn't miss anything, imo, apart from Biden's BIZARRE and BRAZEN lies.

    1. Which I expected, Parson, one of the reasons I couldn't listen to it.


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