Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Big Three!

The Little Guy's 3rd birthday was yesterday, and to celebrate, we had the party here on Sunday.

He told his Mom he wanted a "Grinch Birthday", so that was provided.

Where's My Cake?!?

MUCH Better!

And balloons! What's a kid's party without balloons?

The house was alive with family and friends....we are truly blessed.

After the presents were unwrapped, we had a "Whack Godzilla Pinata Party" in the front yard.

WHAM! Somebody connected with a good hit, and the goodies spilled out....

CANDY! And plenty to share....

It was bit cool and overcast, but at least it didn't snow this year like last year.

And everybody had a great time!


  1. A belated Happy Birthday to him! God bless you all.

  2. Replies
    1. He's a joy and a "Miracle Baby" seeing as he was 10 weeks early.

  3. And a good time was had by all ... excellent words.

    1. It's just wonderful watching them grow up.

      And The Clan has another baby boy on the way in a week or two!

  4. Those cupcakes are great! Fantastic artwork.

    A splendid get together.

    1. One of our DIL's friends runs a bakery, and she put extra time in the cake and cupcakes.

      We all had a great time!

  5. Growing up, until we all reached our teens, my parents always had cake outside for us boys.

    The more I get older and the more I think about it, I realize my parents were much smarter than I thought growing up.

    It looks like a good time was had by all. You and your wife make good Grands.

    1. The more I get older and the more I think about it, I realize my parents were much smarter than I thought growing up.

      Hah! That always seems the case!

      Thanks, Beans. We try!

  6. Yay for having a good time! Glad it went well!

  7. This was the first time we had a big family gathering where it didn't rain, snow, or both!

  8. The cupcakes really look yummy and gorgeous I should add. Happy Birthday to the little one. Can’t believe he is 3 already and the pictures from the party seems like all of you and the kids had a good time. Thank you for sharing these good times with us readers and followers too. The Whack Godzilla Pinata Party was a great idea.


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