Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Virtual Doctor's Visit

Almost a house call, if you will, although next time I do it I'll run a GigE cable between the router and the laptop to get rid of a lot of the lag.

Anyway....While I thought my lipids were "normal", he called them "A+", and commended me on keeping my weight down, eating a decent diet, and exercising.

My other blood work was also "outta the park good", so at least my basic blood chemistry machinery appears to be working properly.

I inquired about an EKG "for the record", and he informed me that they no longer do them yearly, but rather every three years now, same with a stress test.

We then talked about the lightheadedness and afternoon drop in BP, and reviewed my medications. Since my weight is staying down and I show no signs of edema, he's taking me off the furosemide ("Lasix") diuretic. He's a big supporter of "If You Don't NEED The Medication, Don't Take It", and I agree with that philosophy. That particular drug can cause low BP on it's own, so we'll knock it off the list for two weeks and see how I do. If I'm still having the same issues with my BP dropping too low, we'll cut the metoprolol ("Lopressor") in half and "reconvene" (there's that word again...) after another two weeks.

I'll admit, I should have been checking my BP regularly (and so should you!), and just didn't for no good reason. I'm also going to pick up one of the blood Oxygen sensors that clamps on your finger. It's another good data point to have, and those little things are only about $20. I think everybody should have one, and a good-quality Blood Pressure cuff, in their home "First Aid" kit.

Then I asked him if he thought I was sturdy enough to withstand hip replacement surgery later this year. He was pretty sure I was OK, but we'll do a stress test before he'll sign me off, as it's still major surgery and I WILL lose some blood (Type A Negative, donations accepted!), so he wants some more evaluation before he'll sign off on it.

And then we talked about the Corona Virus for a bit. He thinks it will peak here in the US in the next couple of weeks, hold for a week or so, and then start to drop. He told me it aerosolized, and spread by coughing and sneezing, and the virus can hang around for up to a week, so keep washing those hands, avoid crowds, and all the usual things you during flu season, but be more careful about doing them.

Be safe out there!


  1. That all sounds very good, DRJIM.

    1. Waiting to see how the BP does this afternoon...

  2. I had a dexterity problem using a regular BP setup and have been using a wrist type going on eight years. Sits on my office table next to the computer so it is very convenient. My primary doctor says it is adequate/accurate for my needs. Takes two AAA batteries.

    1. Don't think I've ever seen one of those, but then I never had the need to look for one.

  3. Replies
    1. Fingers crossed! I *really* don't like the afternoon "conk-out" that's been going on the last couple of months.


    All in the numbers

  5. All good news - glad to hear it!

    1. Have another PT appointment in a few hours. We'll see what the PT guy has to say.

  6. Good News so far! Hope you are getting the answers you want.

    1. I have no complaints at all about the medical services here. The Doctor's are friendly, they listen to you, the facilities are spotless, and I've never had a problem getting to see someone.


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