Monday, March 9, 2020

New "Team Driver" for Scuderia Zarkov, and PT Woes and Improvements.

We gave TLG one of his birthday presents on Sunday when he came over to spend the night. I would have given it to him on his birthday, but it would have been a hassle with all the other kiddies around, and I KNOW he would have wanted to play with it then and there, so I thought better and held off.

It was a "half-off" deal I got when the local Hobby Town closed, and I probably should have bought a couple more so he and his cousins could race them in the back yard.

It's actually a pretty decent R/C car, has "Full Proportional" steering and throttle control, and the wheel radio transmitter even has a nice foam grip around the steering wheel. It's small enough, and has a tight enough turning radius, that it's very controllable down in the den.

And with Grandma providing instruction, he's been learning to drive!

I dialed the throttle waaay back so it doesn't get away from him, and he's really twitchy on the steering, but he's got his throttle control figured out, meaning he doesn't just mash the throttle trigger all the way down, and understands that he can make it go slow, as well as fast.

Had appointment #2 at the Physical Therapy place today. Neither of us expected any improvement in 7 days, and there wasn't any.

EXCEPT...he gave me some exercises to do that work the same muscles, but don't require me to 'go to ground' to do them. They're much easier to do, with the result that I *will* do them, something I was laggardly about with the first set of exercises. These will work the Gluteus Medius muscle on my right side, which should give me extra support for the hip joint.

My consultation with the Orthopedic Doctor is this Friday, and I'm sure I'll have a much better handle on things after reviewing the data with him. So far, though, 200mg of Naproxen, four times a day, has knocked down the inflammation enough that I can do the exercises without going "OW!" every few minutes, and cut back on the Tramadol, which knocks the pain down to zero but makes me a bit "dozey" at times.


  1. It looks like a car for grandpa. And hoping for a healthy resolution.

    1. No, this one is his, and he knows it. I get to "adjust" and "test" it a bit, but it gets handed over to him pronto after his Crew Chief deems it ready to go!

      For the money, I'm surprised at how competent a little car it is.

  2. Looks like your Grandson is having fun and a good time. Grandma? Looks like a young daughter... She doesn't look like a grandma. I wonder if you are developing a race car driver. Much better then handing him a idiot phone and watch him devolve into liberal. You will have a racing car buddy in a few months.

    1. It's funny you mention phones. Even though all the young people out here carry their phones everywhere, they aren't usually buried in them like back in SoCal. They actually put them away, do their jobs, and look at them occasionally.

      He can be anything he wants to be, but this might be a good hobby for him to pick up. He'll sit in my lap and tune my radios, listening at all the strange noises, but it's not active enough for a 3 year old with boundless energy!

  3. Smart move on the RC truck! :-) Before you know it, he'll be wanting to drive the 'big' car! :-)

    1. He's "driven" the 4x4 truck I have, but I have to dial the steering and throttle way down or he loops, spins, and crashes!

  4. Uplifting, thanks for that. Makes a pleasant change.

    Drive on!

    1. Life goes on, Parson.

      And we do our best to protect and nurture our little ones.

      BTW....Our Little Guy now has a new cousin, and it's a boy! 6lbs9oz, Mother and child doing fine.


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