Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I Feel The Need....The Need For SPEED!

Oh, boy.....

The local Hobby Town is closing their store, and as a result, they're doing an "Everything Must GO!" sale, with prices cut by as much as 75% on some items, 50% on others, and 25% (for now) on everything else. I've wanted to get The Little Guy his own entry-level "Monster Truck", and had priced them before at $100~$150.

Got this little guy for half-price:

It's amazing that they can have a complete toy like this, including the radio and batteries, for $99.99 retail price.

For $50 I couldn't pass it up, so I bought it for his birthday in March.

And I also picked up some CA glue, paint, thinner, brass and copper sheet, small brushes, a bunch of other building supplies, a big bag of battery/power/balance leads stuff, and plastic model kit of a MKIV Toyota Supra. These list at about $30, and I got it for $12.

It's sad when a small "specialty business" like a hobby shop closes. They're more than just a store to buy things, as they had a full-service R/C shop for cars, boats, airplanes, drones, and helicopters, and you could hang out and talk about things with the store employees.

The family that owned the franchise for this store decided not to renew the lease, and retire instead. So I got a couple of gifts for TLG, and whole bunch of suppplies.

But what really caught my eye was this, an Arrma "Limitless" Speed Run (think Bonneville Salt Flats) rolling chassis.

"Rolling Chassis" means no powertrain, electronics, or battery; you have basically "limitless" options available to finish the car. Since I have most of the required parts needed to complete this, and it was 50% off, one followed me home.

Yeah, I's kind of a "Phil Type" thing, I guess.....just can't pass up a "good deal". I came home with the truck for TLG, and my Big Bag 'O Stuff, and told my Sweet Little Wife about the Limitless, and she promptly told me to go back and buy it or I'd be kicking myself later this year. Depending on the motor, batteries, speed controller, and gearing, these little cars are capable of doing over 140MPH, so finding a place to really let it rip might be a problem. I talked to the guys at the Hobbyplex where I run my little VTA car, and they told me that they "kinda" tried doing some speed run events, but didn't seem to get much interest from the local R/C racers. They have a couple of radar guns, so maybe once I get this built out I can take it up there to use the taxiways around the old FoCo airport.


  1. Heh!
    Glad you found some "good Deals"!
    I should show this to the Wifely Unit and say SEE?!
    I'm not the only one.

  2. Great sale, great prices, great buys - what's not to like?

    1. I've already had half-a-dozen Arrma Forum members offer me more than I paid for it.

      Wonder if they still have the third one left......?

  3. Always sad to see a small local business close.
    But wow, good on you for not passing up great deals.

    1. "Wife Approved", Brig, so I had to do it!

      Some of the staff will go to either the Longmont store, or the Cheyenne store, and the rest are hopeful they'll find something.

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah, it was just too good to pass up, and I was at the right place and right time.

  5. It is a shame drjim, kids (old farts too)have their noses buried in the idiot phone and what someone at at breakfast and feelings and drama. No one wants to do fun stuff, ride bikes, ride motorcycles. A bunch of pansies! That is why store like this are folding, beside amazot butting in. A lot of indie authors sell on bezo's criminal enterprise so I don't buy them or read them, ain't gonna give bezo a dime, so a dime don't go to the author. Rant over...

    1. The track I go to with my other little car has TONS of kids, ages 7 through teen, usually with their Dads. Boys *and* girls, learning sportsmanship, rules, and some tinkering skills. I'm more than happy to share what I know with the others, loaning tools, etc, and it's just wonderful to see kids who do NOT have their nose buried in their phones. The older kids will turn off their phones when they're on-track out of courtesy for the other driver's on the driver's stand.

      Amazing to see young people out DOING stuff. I'm sure we have our share of the urban youts here, but they don't go to the places I hang out.....


Keep it civil, please....

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