Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Digging Out.....

Began today about noonish.

I plowed a path from the garage door down to the sidewalk, turned, and continued to the corner.

Then I turned around and went the other way. 

This ran the batteries down to "One Bar" on the indicator so I stopped, put them in the charger, and took a break for a couple of hours.

They only charged to two of the three lights on the "gas gauge", so I dumped them back in, and went at the driveway some more.

This ran them down to NO lights, and it quit running.

I'll get going on this again tomorrow to finish the driveway and widen the sidewalk path.

It's pretty, though.....


  1. Proof it works! Photos and everything!! Now you just need that diesel genset to keep it charged...

    1. HAH! It works OK with this dry, powdery snow. It'll fling that sh1t 30 feet or more!

      But you have to take small bites when it's this deep, or you'll overload the motor, and it trips off.

  2. From the looks of your Jeep you got a bit more than us. I have a "snow rake" from my car lot days and clearing both vehicles mid morning took close to ten minutes.


    We would clear off 100+ vehicles with these. The glamorous life of a Colorado car peddler, eh?

    1. Or an Illinois car peddler. I used to help my friends at the Pontiac dealership clean their used car inventory. My best buddy had their snow plowing contract, and another friends from high-school did their windows, along with all the other car dealership windows.

      Gotta love living in a small town!

    2. Oh, thanks for the tip on the snow remover. Just ordered one. The 48" handle should make it much easier to do the Jeep!

  3. You all be safe and have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  4. At least Santa doesn't have to take his sleigh through that. But you might be under 20' by then without a visible chimney.

    1. Yes, but Santa has Snow Penetrating Radar for just those occasions!

  5. Well done! I miss the snow but know it gets wearisome...

    1. Yes it can. We used to joke back in Chicago that we had Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Year's, then.....NOTHING until May. You could get cabin fever pretty easily.

      It's not so bad here because we don't get as much snow, it's drier, and we have a lot of sunny days, not the drab and dreary and WET months of nothing I experienced back in Illinois.

  6. We're on our third snow-thrower, after starting with a small electric model when we were in an apartment with only two parking spots. The current model (Ahrens Deluxe 30) clears our 250' driveway in roughly 40 to 45 minutes, depending on snow depth. It will do that job roughly three times on a single tank of gas.

    1. That's pretty impressive!

      I think I could have finished all "our" plowing on the one charge, even with the snow so deep. But I did the sidewalk headed North all the way to the corner, and then the sidewalk in the other direction all the way past our one elderly neighbor lady. It made our whole side of the street "legal", and gave my neighbor with the itty-bitty Honda snow blower a break.

      BUT....if/when this one wears out/breaks down/explodes, I'm buying a gas powered one with electric start! The inlet maw to feed the auger on this one is only about 14" high, and I had to make two passes over the same path to get down to the concrete.

      It worked, but I think I found the limits on this particular machine.

  7. Sizing the thrower is a tough call.

    If sized correctly for the largest snowfalls, it is a big piece of machinery that takes up storage space, and if undersized, then it just doesn't do the job.
    We have a 24 inch electric start Husqvarna.

    Philly got some snow showers a few days ago but it was only enough to spot the grass with white, and make the streets wet.

    I'm off to Amazon to look for an inexpensive run time meter for small gasoline engine yard tools.

    1. Yep, I 'Hit The Wall' with this one twice.

      If it was gas powered I could have kept going. A spare set of batteries would be nice, but they're $120 EACH!

  8. Just make sure you don't run YOUR battery down too low... :-)

    1. Oh, I'm most careful doing this stuff. I'll work on it for 20~30 minutes, take a break, and then get back to it.

      Still have a bunch to finish....


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