Thursday, November 21, 2019

Anybody Want To Buy A Slightly Used Payload Fairing?

Well....they're starting to scrap out stuff at Sea Launch Homeport. The entire "Payload Accommodation" (Fairing, Spacecraft Support, Interstage Assembly, Ordnance, and Avionics) was supplied by Boeing. We had one complete set of flight hardware in-house and 80~90% complete when Energia pulled the plug and suspended operations.

Now that all the ITAR controlled equipment has been removed from the the Launch Platform and the Command Ship and accounted for, they can start really winding down the operation in preparation for the ships to depart.

This is fairing part of the set we had in the Payload Processing Facility.

Wonder what carbon fiber scrap goes for these days.....


  1. I suppose I could use it as a bomb shelter; bury it in my back yard, furnish it with some prepper accommodations, etc.

    I'll give you $100 for it, if you deliver it to Illinois, you pay the freight. Carbon fiber, sounds light. I'm sure it will ship for a song.

  2. I'll give you $105 for it if you deliver it to Arizona, you pay the freight. I'm guessing that this is becoming an auction.

    1. I'm just the broker, it's up to the buyer and seller to arrange shipping.....

  3. I'll only charge you $750 for my illegal crew to dump it in the desert.

    1. You have connections in Kommiefornia? Never would have guessed.....

  4. From what I read, Musk talks back to regular people on Twitter (that is, not just friends or insiders). Make him an offer. If it's a size he can use.

    1. He's been down to Sea Launch Homeport at least half-a-dozen times.

      At first he wanted to rent the PPF to use as a unloading point for the things he lands in the Pacific. Then he wanted to rent it for the fueling/defueling (NTO and UDMH) equipment, then as an assembly place, then as a place to refurb things, then we never heard anything back.

      Oh, well....he might come swooping in after the Rooskies all leave and buy the whole place for pennies on the dollar.

  5. Now I'll be thinking about what I could do with that....

    1. Ice cream cone for The Jolly Green Giant?

    2. Stand it up next to a barn style shed and paint them both red.
      Extra storage. Or as part of a "mini-house" package.

  6. A very handy tax deduct if you donate it to the church.


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