Sunday, October 6, 2019

First Frost Warning of the Season

Going down to 30* here tonight, and the first "official" front warning has been published by the NWS.

It got down to 35* last week, and there was a frost 'advisory' released, but looks like we're getting a real frost, with below freezing temps tonight.

And the NWS is predicting snow showers beginning Thursday, along with lows of 15*~20*.....

Other than that, I got nuthin'.....


  1. Careful there: you're having temps like ours. 27° tonight, so AccuHunch guesses, and scattered snow showers. Like it or don't, the white stuff's a-comin'.

    1. Yep, Winter's knocking at the door!

      Just looked at the NWS site, and Thursday has a predicted high of 37, with snow showers, and the low Thursday night is a predicted 20*.

      It's a 'tradition' here to have a snowfall before Halloween, and here she comes.....

  2. Won't happen. I went out today and updated all my winter duds.

    1. That reminds me....I need to get a couple of pairs of gloves. I got some really nice ones last year, but I grabbed the size off the rack of *women's* gloves, not knowing one side of the aisle was women's, and the other side men's.

      Besides being slightly smaller than men's sizes, they're also cut tighter at the wrist, making getting them on a real PITA!

      I have to go up by JAX tomorrow to stop by the hobby shop and ask a few questions, so I'll just stop there on the way home, and get some MEN'S gloves in the size I need!

  3. I look forward to the first hard freeze: it kills all the bugs and makes my lawn stop growing. I have an acre to mow, and all that mowing stops and I can stash my lawn tractor until the grass starts growing again in the late spring. Of course, there is that damn white stuff to plow off the driveway in the interim...

    Life is rough, and then you die. Well, other people die, I plan on living forever. Or that's the plan....

    1. Have to go around tomorrow and "winterize" the outside.

      Drain, roll up, and store the hoses and sprinklers, bring in the sun umbrella and the grandson's "water table" playset, and put the styrofoam covers over the outside faucets.

  4. Yup, we do that around here, too (Chicago area): hoses in, cover the AC condensors with tarps, wrap em up good. Put rose cones over the cut back roses (or they'll die in -31 weather in a few months). Life in Chicago for a bum can get dicey here, the weather tends to cull the bum herd a bit during the harsh winter. Especially if you haven't called dibs on a warming grate to sleep over, you're screwed...if you're a bum, that is.

    1. Yep. I grew up in Joliet, and helped my Dad do all that stuff right about this time of year.

      Got everything finished in about an hour. Had to knock all the wasps out of the reefed sun umbrella before I took it down to the basement!

      They weren't too happy, but it was cool enough that they were pretty sluggish, so no issues.....


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