Sunday, October 20, 2019

Crazy WINDY Here Today.....

Mother Nature's doing a bit of 'pruning.....

The backyard is covered with leaves and small branches, and most of the leaves are off our maple tree in the front and ash tree in the back.

NWS is predicting winds of 20~30MPH with gusts exceeding 55MPH. The high today will be around 50*F, dropping to '30-ish' overnight.

Glad I strapped the back gate together, but now I have to change the securing arrangements because the yard guys are coming tomorrow to mow and mulch whatever leaves and things are in the front and back yards.

Other than that, I got nothin', and I'm just gonna hang out in the basement today working on some projects.


  1. Your temps are still warmer than ours, but only by a few degrees. Our highs are in the low 40s, with upper 20s at night. We get winds like that, too, but not every day. Watch yer topknot!

    1. Definitely "cool" today (49* right now), and my weather station has reported gusts to 35MPH, but I'm sure if I had the anemometer on the roof I'd be seeing higher gust speeds.....

  2. Passed on work for a three days. Guess I picked the right ones. A Nissan 3500 van has the aerodynamics of a billboard.

    Might be a fun drive tomorrow to Cheyenne (appointment at the VA Hospital).

    Forecasted gust on the N Plains up to 90 m.p.h!

    1. Yeah, I was listening to the weather for Cheyenne, and the NWS has wind warnings for up to 75MPH on the I-25 corridor.

      I'll bet those windmills up by the TBR are spinning today!

  3. I love being in nice secure buildings when the wind is blowing. Basement in high winds sounds really nice.

    1. "I Remember" our first Christmas here when we went to the local radio club Christmas dinner. I was asking the guys about snow and ice loads on antennas, and they all laughed.

      They told me the wind will kill your antennas long before the snow and ice does!

      So far, mine are doing OK.

    2. The wind does have a tendency to spook the dog a bit.....

    3. Annnnd one other thing.....I found all the air leaks in the basement windows, and taped them closed with some gaffer's tape. Gaffer's tape is like duct tape, but the adhesive is less aggressive, and it peels off cleanly.

  4. Sounds like a good day to inside and toasty.
    It was howling windy over at the coast, not so much here. Live in my watch cap when the wind kicks up, otherwise it's ear ache pain.

    1. Yeah, I have to get a better hat. All I have are some baseball-type caps, and they're not really good enough when I'm out cussin' at the snow blower.....

  5. Good selection of rugged outdoor wear.

    One in Ft Collins

    1. Been by it many times. Just North of the 14, off the I-25 frontage road...I'll have to check them out. JAX has nice stuff, but is a bit pricey.

  6. When it's blowing like that, that's the best choice! :-D

    1. Yep.....down in the basement with a cup of hot coffee and a hot soldering iron!

    2. Oh, she comes down, finds a warm spot by the heater, and snoozes away while I tinker.

  7. I tried a "Mad Bomber" style winter hat some years ago, wore it out, and bought a similar one.
    Sorta like this.
    I also wanted a "going out" hat, and I upgraded to a fur Ushanka.
    Other than making me want to use a Boris and Natasha accent every time I wear it, it has been great.
    I use the regular bomber hat for snowblowing.


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