Saturday, August 10, 2019

Pleasant Weather

Been cool and rainy the last day or so, a nice break from the 95* days and humid nights we were having.

I'll only mention Mr. Epstein's passing in passing. He was a scumbag in this life, and will be judged by a much higher authority than I.

So life goes on, and there's a touch of Fall in the air.


  1. Monsoon season. Watch out for what is called an "Albuquerque Low". Pulls moisture from the Gulf, the moisture in the winds is released when the winds stall against the Rockies, and massive floods come down the slot canyons.

    1. I've heard of that.

      And I know enough to keep OUT of the canyons when we're going to get rain!

  2. Yep cooled off to 102 here yesterday... sigh

  3. After a few 90 degree days it has cooled down to a high of 70. The weather is ever changeable here. Rain off and on for the last few days. I can live with it, don't miss the heat at all.

    1. I don't miss getting baked in SoCal, either.

      I'd much rather live in all 4 seasons than what I had for the last 35 years.

  4. Jealous of your weather. Like an oven here, but I guess "pays your money, takes your choice." Hopefully the air won't catch fire.

    1. And hopefully we won't get stuck in the deep-freeze this winter, with multiple, consecutive days below zero.

      Keep hydrated, my friend!


Keep it civil, please....

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