Sunday, August 4, 2019

A Day at the Larimer County Fair

We had a blast.

The Little Guy had fun sitting on some of the tractors, going to the petting zoo, watching "Twiggy The Water Skiing Squirrel", going on some rides, playing in the bounce houses, watching the "Extreme Stunt Dogs" show, going down a BIG slide, and lots of other things.

The pix are from my wife's cell-phone because, as you just guessed, I FORGOT my camera.....again!

Most of the tractors on display were at the Greeley Farm Show a couple of weeks ago, and signs for the "Longs Peak Tractor Club" were on display.

The smoke in the background is from one of the half-dozen or more BBQ/Grilled food vendors that were there.

Here he is checking out the newest in ATV's.

He *might* grow into it....

And since there's a carnival, gotta go on some rides...

Not sure who enjoyed the slide more, TLG or Gramma.

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy!

The Larimer County Sheriff's Department had their "Mounted Police" out, and TLG even got to pet a horse, which he had to be coaxed to do, but then laughed.

One of the things that really caught his eye, and he wanted to do but he's still too small, was a pedal-powered tractor pull. The kids would pedal like crazy, and as the little tractors dragged the sled along, the weight would move forward, making it harder and harder to pull the sled. ONE kid did a "Full Pull", and the crowd went crazy. Pretty cute to see a kid-sixed pulling sled connected to a small John Deere pedal tractor!

And there was live music with local bands. I'd never heard a country version of the BeeGees "Stayin' Alive" before, but they played it extremely well, along with other "countrified" songs, including one by Steely Dan, but I can't remember which song they played.

Oh, and country versions of Foo Fighters, Guns 'N Roses ( ! ) and several other songs I've heard on the radio, but don't know the name of the group.

Yes, food was everywhere! The winner of the fried food category (for me.....) was the Deep Fried Oreo Cookies.

No, I didn't try one. Deep fried foods and I don't play nice, so I wimped out and had a gyro salad from Kosta's, a Fort Collins favorite.

And on our way in to the fairgrounds, we signed the "Recall Jared Polis" and the "US citizens ONLY allowed to vote" petitions. The petion people were still at their posts as we left, and every single person they asked to sign said either "Sure!", "You Bet!", or "HELL YES!!", which pretty much describes how people think about Emperor Polis outside of the Big City/Elite-Only areas.

Even my wife busted up at the guy who said "HELL YES!!".

And we bought some local hang-on-the-wall 'metal art', and a few other little items from local "artisans". We'd much rather keep our money in the community for stuff like this than buy some 'Chinesium' junk from Amazon or eBay.

So all-in-all, we had a wonderful day at the fair, had some good food, saw some cool stuff, and TLG conked out *completely* on the drive home.


  1. Once you escape the CSU orbit, Larimer County is a good place.

    1. That it is, my friend! I'm sure I'd feel comfortable in Weld County, too....

  2. What a fantastic day! You had more important things going on that taking pictures. I can relate. :)

    God bless!

    1. I can hardly wait until he gets older. He's just getting language down now, and I'm sure we'll have a blast actually talking about stuff.

  3. That's a full day. So good that you and your wife took him.
    Our fair is on this week and I'm in hopes of going.

    1. We had to work around his 'schedule', but TLG was the main reason I agreed to go. I's much rather have him along for things like this than just go with my wife. He gets so excited when he sees new things, and it's a joy to watch.

  4. I miss a) county fairs, and b) the joy of watching little ones "discover" said fairs. Ah, well. Glad you had such a great time!

    1. I can't remember when I last went to a county fair. Sometime in the late 1970's, I think. It was wonderful to see all the young folks with their kids there.

      And whe he wasn't in his stroller, we had to watch him like hawks, because he'd see something new, and just take off towards it.

  5. Sounds good, deep fried Oreos? Wow...

    1. Yeah, I had to pass on that one!

      The gyro "salad" I had was the best gyro meat I've ever had. And it was big slabs of it, not the thin cut from the spit like most places do.

      Too bad they don't run the "cart" in Old Town anymore, but I sure agree with all the 5 star ratings for the place.


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