Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 11th

Others have written far more eloquently than I ever could, so please go check them out.

Aesop, in particular, expresses my sentiments on this day.

Yup...I'm just another Old Man who bitterly clings.


  1. You're eloquent DRJIM! The mooselims will try to do it again.

  2. Yeah, I have to agree with you. I'm just glad we no longer live in such a target-rich environment.

  3. Sorry DRJIM, you have a mosque in your city preaching the vilest hate. Live your life without fear but keep you head on a swivel.

    1. Yup, I know, and I do. We went to the Petra Cafe up by the University, and some of the swarthy looking young men there seemed a bit shifty.

      But then I'm an old, useless, bitter, racist clinger.

  4. We used to have a nice restaurant on the south side of town, leading to the prairie. Many years ago it became a radical mosque, but the city tells us not to worry. Right.

    Won't forget. Can't forget. Had ancestors who fought the Muslims all throughout history.

    1. And we'll be fighting them for the foreseeable future, Beans.

      Maybe these are the End Times......


Keep it civil, please....

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