Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A Little Something for the Grandson....

Yep, it's from Harbor Freight, and was meant as a yard wagon, but when he saw it the other day, he took to it like it was his.

I can envision trips around the backyard, and through the neighborhood in the future.....

The bagged items are the rear seat backs from the Supra, and the decals came from an Amateur Radio supply house, and the "MOD" sticker is from a decent little "Pizza-On-Demand" place.


  1. Nice. We bought a wagon for yard work last summer, and it paid for itself the first time we started hauling pavers up the hill.

    1. I got a screamin' deal on it. The "list" for $69.99, but with some coupons, and my "Inside Track" membership, it went out the door for $39.99, quite a bit cheaper than the "Big Foot" wagons at places like Ace Hardware. It's also smaller, with smaller tires, so it's not quite as "off-road" as the bigger ones, but it's fine for us.

  2. Eye catching. I can see the appeal to a child.

    1. Yeah, bright red with stickers!

      Now I have to scratch up some Edelbrock and Hooker Headers decals.

    2. Plus Moon Eyes and Honest Charley stickers. Both available online. I had no clue they were still around.

    3. I've got some Mooneyes catalogs from BITD. Old Honest Hisself passed away a couple of years ago, but the business is still going strong.

      Also need a Clay Smith Cams sticker. That's the one with a cigar chomping woodpecker with a bent beak.

  3. Replies
    1. We're shopping for pedal cars for when he gets older. Several places sell a '57 Chevy with a flame paint job, but then there's places that sell kits to build one from.

      Already ordered some "wood block" cars of unusual design. I'll post those when we get them.

    2. Thanks, Ed. We're blessed to have him.

  4. He & you will get lots of memories out of that wagon. I love my Radio Flyer.

    1. I had a pedal-car tractor that I "drove" all over the neighborhood when I was little. My sister still has some of the pictures my Mom and Dad took of me "driving" it around.


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