Monday, November 14, 2016

Poor Little Snowflakes!

My daughter-in-law was FarceBooking with all her friends the other day to attend this anti-Trump rally in Fort Collins. Even though she was born and raised in Colorado, I think the time she spent out here at CSU Long Beach might have addled her a bit.

Read the whole article here, and enjoy!


  1. CSU was once Colorado A&M. Still heavy in math, veterinarian, and agriculture studies so it is a little less whacko than CU to the South in Boulder. Still, the county (Larimer) votes Democrat.

    1. Most of the locals I've met seem to be fairly conservative.

      The college crowd, not so much.

  2. Darn. I didn't see an article. I guess I missed all the fun!

    1. It was on the "Colorado Peak Politics" website. I've been trying follow politics in Colorado more closely as we'll be moving there next summer.

    2. Oh. Okay. That is probably why I couldn't read it. I didn't want to join, haha.
      I see plenty of the same on fb, I expect. ^_^


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