Friday, April 29, 2016

Small Block Chevy Time-Lapse Rebuild

Yeah, I know I've posted this before, but being in a "car guy" mode these last couple of weeks, I thought I'd post it again.

Two-bolt main block, pressed-in rocker studs indicate it was never a High-Performance engine, but they have the Corvette "Rams Horns" exhaust manifolds on it, so perhaps it came out of a (very) early Corvette.



  1. It's well beyond my skill level, but I admire the work.

    1. Takes some mentoring to learn how to do this, or a lot of reading, but it's not terribly difficult to do a bone-stock rebuild.

      It's when you get in to modifying stuff that you have to know what you're doing!

  2. I've seen that video before and it never fails to impress. Very well done. One of the big problems with YouTube videos is people who don't understand the concept of "editing". Using the time lapse function and changing camera angles really helped this one.

    1. I've posted it here before, and yes, it was very well done.

      Editing is as much art as science, just like shooting it in the first place.

  3. I've done a few of those over the years, 292s, 283s, 289s/351s (yes Ford), 396s, and a couple of 454s. You're right, as long as you don't start 'playing' you're fine. :-)

  4. I wish it could be done that fast!

    If my failing memory is correct, I looked up the "Flat Rate" time Ford said it took to rebuild a 302 way back in the early nineties and it said it took around 25 man hours to rebuild a long block.
    (block and heads)

    That of course was Ford's overly optimistic estimate but also what they would pay a mechanic to do it.That would include scraping all the gaskets and cleaning years of built up grease and grime off of everything because that shit just happened by magic you know.


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