Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Bit More Rain On The Way

Supposed to start tonight after 2200, taper off during the day on Sunday, and then be partly sunny and dry until Wednesday.

Just let the dog out, and it's sprinkling again....

So far for the year, we've received 3.98" of rain, compared to a 5.77" "normal" rainfall for the same period, July to January.

The 12 month "normal" rainfall for Long Beach is 12.26" from July to July, so we're still quite a bit less than "normal".

We'll just have to wait and see what the rest of January, along with February, March, and maybe April and May bring.

And we're going to see the new Star Wars movie tonight. I've heard good and bad reviews of it, but I really want to see how a 73 year old Han Solo acts.....

Last night we went to the local Stonefire Grill, and I was NOT impressed.

It's one of those places where you order, get a little "table beeper" so they can find your table when the food is ready, and then bring you your food,

The entrees arrived at different times, followed by the side orders, and the appetizers arrived last.

I had a French Dip, which was like chunks of yesterday's (fatty) pot roast dumped on a decent bun, served up with OK garlic mashed potatoes, and some of Dow Corning's best "au jus".

The bread sticks were slightly burnt on the ends, doughy in the middle, and slathered in some concoction of "cheese", parsley, and Mobil One.

Needless to say, I won't be going back anytime soon.....


  1. Raining here too, and cold to boot.

    Should be snowing just after midnight. I know you guys need the water out there. Wish I could ship about 9 inches of what fell last week out to you, we sure don't need it.

  2. Hopefully you sent the entree back... That's pathetic!


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