Saturday, October 12, 2013

Minor Party In Progress Here........

My wife has her two best friends over tonight for dinner, a movie, and a little wine.

One had a birthday last week, one has a birthday today, and she also became a grandmother last week.

I'd head out to the garage and smoke a cigar, but I'm not finished cleaning and organizing the garage, and I quit smoking!

So I'm hiding out in Radio Central getting our new NAS up on the network, and doing back-ups on all the household PC's.

I'll send up a red flare for help if things get too out of hand here......


  1. Yes. Best to stay outta the way! ;)

    1. Dude, *I* know my place!

      They're all out in the living room giggling like a bunch of school girls.......

  2. I believe you chose the better part of valor. At least you can have food delivered to the radio shack. :)

  3. Yep, run for cover IS the appropriate action in that case...


Keep it civil, please....

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