Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Musings on Life, and the Traveled Road

Well, here I am on the eve of my 60th birthday. Frankly, I never thought about being this old when I was younger, so I'm not sure what to make of it, other than to be a bit surprised that I'm still here, considering some of the not-too-smart stunts I've pulled.

I'm a person of curiosity and contrasts, humor and sobriety.

I've spun out race cars at 160 MPH, and spun around on ice skates.

I've stalled a Cessna with full flaps, and did belly flops into the swimming hole.

I watched Man take his first steps on the Moon, and my son take his first steps without holding on to the couch.

I've heard my own faint echoes bounce off the Moon, and my son's first words.

I've worked for places that range from Government Laboratories and Major Aerospace Corporations, to small start-ups and Mom-and-Pop places.

I've watched the owners of some of them get rich, while I had to threaten to quit if I didn't get my overtime paid.

I've watched things I built with my own hands rocket in to space, and helped others get their things into space.

I've built model airplanes, and things that shoot down the real ones.

I've seen whole towns destroyed by tornados, and helped design weather radars that warn us when they're coming.

I've traveled all over the world, and always made it home in one piece, glad to be home again.

Above all, I've been blessed with friends that stood by me “No Matter What”, while I've seen others betrayed by their “friends”.

I've watched as America did, and stood, for Great Things, and now I'm watching it destroy itself.

I'm shamed by the legacy my generation will pass on to our children, as we were “Good Men Who Did Nothing”, allowing the cancer eating away at Our Country to spread so far.

I guess I was cursed at an early age, as I sure have lived “In Interesting Times”.


  1. We will all have different personal stories. All with meaning to ourselves. But this:

    "I've watched as America did, and stood, for Great Things, and now I'm watching it destroy itself.

    I'm shamed by the legacy my generation will pass on to our children, as we were “Good Men Who Did Nothing”, allowing the cancer eating away at Our Country to spread so far."

    Has deep meaning to us all.

  2. I agree with North as well, but you have lived a life that was not boring. Boring may be safe, but it's, well, it's boring. You've left an indelible mark in this ol' world, and you ain't done yet.

    And we might be able to move the country in a different direction yet. The sleeping giant is awakening and beginning to move, and those who have had their way are already whining and crying about it.

    So, I say Happy Birthday, drjim! Enjoy it knowing you've lived an enviable life and there is more to come!


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