Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Acorn Stash Kills Microwave Antenna

Stumbled across this and though it was funny.
We just had to do some kind of 'endangered species' evaluation where I work, as a brown pelican built a nest at the top of one of our collimation towers. They haven't removed the nest and put bird spikes up there yet because there's little pelicans in it!


  1. That's hilarious.

    Speaking of pelicans, Damsel took an outstanding photo of some California browns soaring off Point Vicente with Catalina in the background . . .

  2. LOL- Now THAT is one I've never heard of... :-)


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fisher Saga</i>....Power Amplifier Autopsy

   Or should that be Odyssey ? You might be thinking that since this was the "Original Problem" that brought it here I would have...