Sunday, October 27, 2019

Winter Returns After a Short Break.....

Well, it was really nice here the last week. Temps were in the high 60's, nice and sunny, and quite beautiful.

So last night, this big Arctic High came roaring in from the North, and this morning it's 25* and lightly snowing. There was less on the ground than I expected this morning. Forecast is for 1"~3" accumulation today, with another 3"~5" tonight, then Monday should be a break in the snow until Tuesday/Tuesday night.

All the NWS says about Tuesday night is "Snow Could Be Heavy At Times".

Hmm....they don't know, either.

And we're in for some cold nights, with tonight forecast at 9*, Monday night at 10*, Tuesday night at 7*, and Wednesday night at 3*.

And I didn't get my wife's snow tires mounted while she was gone, so I'll either be chilling my tail getting them on this week, or paying to have it done.

I got most of the leaves blown out of the gravel and flower beds, but didn't rake and bag them, as that requires the two of us. We'll probably just have The Yard Guys do it when they do their early Winter clean-up, and drag all the lumber our neighbor's cottonwood tree dumped in our back yard. Some of the branches that dropped out of their tree are several inches in diameter, and although the tree looks OK to me, the tree guys who removed the cottonwood in our yard two years ago commented that it had "maybe five years left in it", so I expect we'll see them removing the tree in the next few years.

So keep warm, stay dry, and I'm on my way to a birthday party for one of The Little Guy's cousins.


  1. I cleaned out the rain gutters yesterday. Today they're full.

    1. We have about 4"~6" of leaves in various places around the yard. When we had the new roof put on 2 years ago, we had them install "Gutter Guards" to keep the leaves out of the gutter. So far they seem to be working.

  2. Enjoy the snow, if you can. We're still a bit too warm for the white stuff ... darn it.

    1. Still not sticking to the roads, but we have a couple of inches on the yard. It's 20* and lightly snowing, with maybe another inch or so this afternoon, with 2~4" expected overnight.

      And they're calling for "Heavy Snow" Tuesday night, but no amounts stated.

  3. Did my last run up CO 77 to the "patch" Saturday. For once my timing is good. Thick rime on the car this morning. I do miss having a carport!

    1. Saturday was gorgeous! Took the dog for a nice walk, and did some minor yard clean-up, mostly picking up the big branches/sticks/chunks from the neighbor's cottonwood tree, and blowing the leaves away from the front walkway.

      Tonight will be a good night to stay in!

  4. Have fun and brrrrr... of course snow sounds exciting to me, being in Texa but such is life in the ongoing War on Weather. No one ever said it'd be easy.


Keep it civil, please....

Meanwhile, Back On The Workbench......

 My next patient on the table is a Fisher SR-2010 receiver with no output.  Basic examination revealed a burned 100 Ohm, 1/4 Watt resistor, ...