Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Lovely Fall Day.....not!

 Forty degrees and raining......and cloudy. Dog won't even go outside, and I can't blame her!

Hope you're having a good week so far. I'll be in the basement working on the Fisher stereo. I'm really embarrassed about how long this is taking me to finish. It needed a lot of TLC "under the hood", and some of the parts required were hard to source. The original transistors were obsolete ~30 years ago, and their replacement was obsoleted ~15 years ago. Fortunately Toshiba still makes Small Signal transistors for audio use, but it took some searching to find which ones to use. Then there were the 12 capacitors being run at, or slightly under, their rated voltage. It's amazing they lasted this long!

So have a good week, and keep checking your six. Might get spicy in the next couple of weeks. Whatever the outcome is, it's bound to be a Charlie Foxtrot.....


  1. I watched that weather move in up there. Keep safe and warm.

    We have temperatures close to 30 degrees less than the highs last week. It barely got up to 70F today. Time to phase out t-shirts and shorts for sweats and hoodies.

    I'm glad that you found the parts for the Fisher. Seems like they are getting scarcer and scarcer.

    We voted early today. We are watching our six continually, especially with all the hate rhetoric being thrown our way by Commie-La and her cohorts (the MSM et al).

  2. What came through earlier today was just the front coming through, Supposed to be rainy and snowy tomorrow. Yes, we're blessed with a warm house, enough to eat, and a loving family.
    We dropped our ballots off at the Senior Center today, as they have a drop-box, and it's easier and quicker than taking them to the courthouse.

  3. Cold enough this morning that a heavy shirt seemed appropriate.

    1. Yeah, been a bit chilly here, too. Luna goes out to do her business, and her fur is standing up when she comes back in....

  4. Hunkering down for the next week or so is NOT a bad idea...

  5. Definitely so! We're looking at 4/5 nights in a row with temps in the 20's. That'll sure knock the rest of the leaves off.


Keep it civil, please....

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