Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Fall Is In The Air....

 The leaves have started turning here, and dropping, and I'm trying to make hay (aka "Yardwork") while the nice weather lasts. I've caught up on over half of my "Didn't Get Done in 2023" list, and have been keeping really busy with all the other projects I have.

And I just haven't felt like posting much. Maybe I can talk to OldAFSarge and see what he does when his Muse goes AWOL!

So between chasing grand kids, cutting firewood, fixing things on the house, and playing with the dog, I'm kinda busy.

I'm making great progress on the Fisher SR-2010 that I'm fixing. Found some more "25 Volt capacitors running at 24 Volts" that needed upgrading, and I finally got the right size dial cord to restring the dial pointer. The dial cord I had 'in stock' was a bit too big in diameter to smoothly go through the pulleys and guides, so I had to track that down and get some. Just another item requiring attention. 

And on the Supra front....

My son helped me roll it out and pressure-wash the engine bay, which had been marinating in Gunk for several days. I "missed" two small areas, but those will get hand cleaned when I get under the car to replace all the clutch hydraulics. I found receipts indicating the Original Owner had purchased NAPA parts for the this back in 2006. And his mechanic did a poor job of replacing it, using some "definitely wrong" hardware for the job. My new parts came with new hardware, so that will get addressed when I pull the master cylinder so I can repair where the leaking clutch fluid took the paint off the firewall.

I can see my bellhousing again!

This is one section of the intake manifold that I've port-matched to the gasket on both sides, and ground off all the casting flash and mold marks inside the runners, from end-to-end. Should flow much better as the port match was really bad.

Ms. Swan was quite happy to catch some rays and get a bath.

I'll try and get some shots of the Fall colors here. Only certain trees have flipped the switch, and they're quite striking to see.

Have a good rest of the week, and always remember to Checketh Thy Six!


  1. Many people flock to the mountains and foothills to see the "colors". They overlook the plains. The cottonwoods along the creeks and rivers are favorites of mine.

    1. I like driving down the streets in the old parts of town. Some of the old houses are right out of a movie set, and impeccably maintained. And the old trees form and arch above the streets that takes you breath away in the Fall. I'd forgotten how much I missed having all fours season during my stint in SoCal.

  2. Autumn on the front range can be amazingly brief. You could be in full on winter by Halloween.

    1. This is our seventh Fall here, and I even though I look for 'signs' from tree and animal behavior, I still can't tell how long any given season is going to last. The only thing I've noticed is that they're al different each year.

  3. Damsel and I had the landscaper replace our flowering plum tree (it died) with a Chinese Pistache, whose leaves are supposed to turn red before losing them. It's almost halfway through fall now, but our hi/lo temps are still 95/66 and the tree still thinks it's summer.

    1. Our next-door neighbors have a flowering plum. It was hit by lightning about 20 years ago, and recovered.

  4. Small steps add up to BIG successes...

  5. And when it's back together all clean and shiny, and runs better, it'll be worth all the Blood, Sweat, and GEARS!


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