Sunday, May 7, 2023

Two Months Not Smoking

 I'm still using a little "e-Cigarette" thing for a nicotine dose when I need it, but my sinuses have cleared up, my allergies are noticeably diminished, and I don't cough and hack all the time.

Yes, the jury is still out over the long-term effects of "vaping", but at least I'm not inhaling smoke, tar, and various other toxic cruddies.

The hip has quieted down quite a bit, along with the knee, and I'm pretty mobile once I'm up and moving. I was even crawling around on the floor a bit yesterday to get some cables neatened up and in place so I could roll a filing cabinet back to where it belongs. SLW was there spotting me, and it took a bit to get up off the floor, but it was doable. I'm still working on the stairs, and it's getting easier, but some of my muscles still squawk when I go up. Going down is no problem other than I still hesitate to take the first step.

The crab apple tree in the back yard exploded in bloom today, so I'll grab some pix when the light hits it right. The maple tree has leafed out, flowers are blooming, and it's time to get the deep-watering feeder spikes out so I can feed the trees and a few other plants that respond very well to a late Spring feeding. And then there's the drip system to install, some cable access holes to be drilled so I can pull a couple of cables into the basement, and I *still* have some big ash logs to cut and split. Should easily be enough wood for two more winters when that gets cut, split, and racked. They've been outside "seasoning" for a couple of years, but they're up off the ground, and they were covered. I know, watch out for nasty insects, and wear good gloves when I work on it.

The speaker project is going full-bore again after being stalled a few days waiting for some materials to arrive.  I didn't have any "Right Size" wire for inside the enclosures, and all my sound deadening foam was used up on something else, so those items had to be ordered. Finished building the cross-over networks, and might have the enclosures  ready to go back upstairs this week so I can get them out in the garage to sand, fill, and paint.

Still only running about 75~80% of what I was before the Great Hip Breakage, not to mention wearing a Foley catheter. I go in next week to get it swapped out while I await an open OR for the Cystoscopic Examination. I have a pre-op session a few days before during which we'll go over the procedure, and the various options for "While You're In There". This is listed as a more of an exploratory procedure, but I'd like to know his options if he finds anything correctable at the time.

And yes, I'm itching to get back in this thing and go CRUISE!


  1. I've been smokeless for maybe 25 years now and Damsel for only six or seven years. We don't miss it at all.

    Good on the increased mobility. Every time you post lately it seems like real good improvement.

    I can relate to catheters and cystos having been in remission from bladder carcinoma for several years now.

    We're still praying for y'all.

    1. So far, so good. The nicotine cravings are slowly fading, and I might go to gum, or lozenges. One of the guys I worked with on the Iowa had used the gum to quit, and then couldn't quit the gum! Yeah, slowly getting looser, and the pain is fading. This procedure coming up could still reveal a more serious problem, although the Urologist didn't seem to think there'd be any. He mostly wants to see where the "Atypical" cells they found in a full urinalysis came from, and take some kidney output flow samples.

  2. Is vaping less harmful than actually inhaling burning tobacco smoke? Yes. But it is no way harmless. There are lots of chemicals in the vapor that are dangerous. Nicotine is just one of them. Too many people make the false assumption that vaping is not dangerous to your health.

    1. I agree 100%, but it's a trade-off I'm willing to make for now.

  3. That's all very exciting DRJIM. Maybe the busted hip, as painful and miserable as the situation has been, brought a silver lining to a dark cloud?

    1. That's one way to look at it. I told one of the nurses in the hospital it was a helluva way to quit smoking, and they brought me nicotine gum, and sent a counselor to see me!

  4. Good onya Jim. I'm liking the progress you are making. It gives me hope.
    I'll be joining you in the Stop Smoking crowd here shortly, I already know the Cardiologist is going to insist on it before they will do any procedures on my legs.

    1. Hang in there, buddy, and let me know if I can help. One bright side is I already notice the extra cash in the wallet. I was smoking 3~4 packs per week, at $9/pack, so do the math!

  5. Praise God. All good news, drjim.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  6. Great news, and yes, get her out and cleaned up! Time for summer cruises!!!

  7. Should you need someone to exercise your Supra I'm available.


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Sixty-Seven Degrees....<i>In February?</i>

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up...