Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Discharged From Home Care!

 The home care Nurse was here this morning for my "Final Exam" and discharge. I'm ahead of what The Numbers say in terms of repetitions for my exercises, and in the "Timed Events", like standing/sitting so many times in 30 seconds, various balance tests, and some cognitive tests. So it's another hurdle passed, even though I still have some weakness in my right leg.

All the bits and pieces to install the drip irrigation system in the front garden arrived today, so I can get started once I figure out how to neatly plumb it in to the faucet. I bought a solar-powered timer for it, but seeing as that requires you to leave the faucet open, and considering my record of making leak-free garden hose connections, I think I'll pass on it.

And there's some more rain coming in, but as usual, I think the heavy rains will miss us.


  1. Back to normal, in battery, and free at last. That's good news, DRJIM.

    1. The next thing is the Cystoscopic examination. Pre-op is in three weeks, the procedure a week later, and then a post-op four days after that. That's pretty much the last "Known Unknown" in the current medical situation.

  2. Yippee! Now just don't do anything to damage yourself.

  3. Can't resist a smart ass remark. Connecting a faucet isn't rocket science. Health wise, good news!

    1. Between the Chinesium junk they sell, washers that don't seal, and only going hand-tight, I always get a drip or two.

  4. Congratulations, drjim. God bless.

  5. Yet another milestone clicked off. Good!

    Next, we can commiserate about our mutual cysto experiences. My next (annual) exam will be on July 25th.

    1. They're putting me under a general for it. One of the things I want to discuss is what can he do "while he's in there" besides take pictures, biopsies, and samples. Can he do the other (aka RotoRooter) procedure right then, if it's needed? Or will I have to come back? I had no cancerous cells in any of the analysis' taken, only "Atypical" cells. OK, if they don't belong there, where are they coming from? A failing kidney? So I have a bunch of questions, and I'm hoping I can go home the same day. Prayers appreciated!

  6. Prayer sent, drjim. May it be faster, more simple, and as uncomplicated as you wish.

  7. Good news, now down to just 'one' issue to deal with!


Keep it civil, please....

Sixty-Seven Degrees....<i>In February?</i>

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up...