Monday, May 15, 2023

Rainy Days, Up Days, and Down Days

 Still getting some showers and sprinkles. The new rain gauge indicates a bit over 3", while the one on the weather station indicates about half that. It might be the software I'm using to log the wx data, so I'll have top address that. The little PC it's running on is running an out-of-date version of Ubuntu, my screw up as I wasn't watching for updates, and missed the chance to update it to a newer version. SO......I'll have to nuke the drive on it, and do a clean installation of a current version. This will also allow me to update the software package for the weather station to a much newer, easier to use version. I'm also going to fill the new rain gauge to a known amount, and dump it into the rain bucket on the weather station. I'll check the station's console to see if it reports the correct amount, and that will confirm if the problem is the weather station hardware, or the software I'm running. Just don't feel like dragging a ladder out in the rain, and climbing up to pour the water into the collector. I don't think SLW would want me out there in the rain, teetering on a ladder, either!

Yesterday (Mother's Day) was a Good Day. We had the kids, grandkids, and my son over for dinner, some game playing, some Lego building, and a nice, warm fire in the fireplace. Drives the chill out of the house, and when it's 45* and raining, it gets chilly here. But, after chasing kids around all day, crawling around on the floor to load the fireplace and light it, and going up and down the stairs numerous times, I'm paying for it today.

Yes, today is NOT a Good Day. It's a crummy day; rainy, overcast, and only about 50*. And my right leg is screaming at me. Well, not actually screaming, but more like "Hey, Blockhead! You're not even 7 weeks out of surgery. Knock. It. Off.....!" Two Ibuprofen should calm things down, but it was a chore to get up today, stumble around in the shower, swap out the day/night bags for the catheter, get dressed, and get down the stairs. DEFINITELY a "Plateau Day" in my healing, and hopefully tomorrow will be not so trying.

Or so we hope......


  1. I wish Damsel and I could send some of our 90's temps up that way, but you'll see those days soon enough. Just take it one day at a time and know that time will heal.

    1. Yep, it'll be Summer before we know it. I'm ahead of where I should be per the PT people and the Doctors, but it's still frustrating. Plus I've got the upcoming Cystoscopic procedure coming up, and who knows what that'll show.

  2. Be gentle with yourself, healing will come. Ladders are not your friend.

    1. Especially WET ladders with slippery steps!

  3. Patience is required... just sayin...

    1. Yeah it is, and usually a pretty patient individual.

      Thank you ALL for the encouragement. I've never been hit with Multiple Medical Maladies before, and it can be annoying. BUT....I think of the people in cancer wards, or (gasp) burn wards, and I realize I don't have it that bad.

  4. Be interesting to track your bone pains with weather changes and compare to 'official' weather information. See which one is more accurate.

    With me and my wife, we can tell when a storm is developing sometimes days before the official announcement.

    1. I was just joking with my wife about that yesterday. I'll have to see if the Aches & Pains track the barometric pressure....

    2. They will. Winter storms, especially those that are basically huge low pressure waves, like snow hurricanes.

      It's the degree of pain that is the issue.

    3. I'll put a tag on the data my weather station records so I have some references.


Keep it civil, please....

Sixty-Seven Degrees....<i>In February?</i>

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up...