Saturday, March 26, 2022

Gorgeous Day Here

 75 degrees, sunny, mild breeze, bright blue skies, and puffy white clouds. Supposed to get some rain mid-week, which will be nice to clean things up, and I expect we'll get another snowstorm in April.

Still a bit crummy feeling, but took the dog for a walk anyway. Always good to get out of the house on a day like today. Things are greening up some, the tulips have popped up through the soil, and the iris' are sprouting up. Be time to spray the emerging weeds soon, and in another few weeks it'll be time to feed the trees, shrubs and lawn.

And The Cycle of Life continues on.......

Back to the basement shop, where I have a ton of stuff to photograph and list on eBay. Hope y'all have have a great weekend.


  1. I think that you may be living in the Matrix, DRJIM.

    1. Strange, as I was having similar thoughts the other day.

      Must have been the NyQuill....

  2. Yesterday had a 302 mile business trip on the High Plains. Greeley-Sterling-Byers-Ft Lupton. Clear skies, light wind, 70°'s. Native vegetation still winter brown. Saw some planted fields with a hint of green. Very little traffic even for that sparsely populated area.

  3. Glad you're getting over the crud, DrJim.

    Our spring is springing with afternoon temperatures close to 90 and high thin cirriform clouds. Still, it's pretty nice and we desert types welcome the warming.

    1. Still feeling a bit out of it, but I'm not coughing much, and I stopped sneezing.
      The bands have been open all day, and 15 is still all lit up at 1900 local, a first in some years!

    2. Good! The new solar cycle seems to be kicking in. I can remember 15 and 20 staying open all night on a field day weekend a long time ago. Maybe that sort of cycle is in the offing.

    3. Just worked D4Z on Cape Verde on 15. 59+ all the way..

    4. Nice! Which antenna were you using? That's a long haul to that part of west African coast. Were you running 100 watts? or more??

      I used to work Florida from California with 100 milliwatts SSB and got 59 reports on 10 meters back in 1978 or so. The station was in Venice, Florida and I was in Venice, California. Fun times . . .

    5. I used my 20 Meter ground plane antenna. The LDG AT-600 Autotuner matches it to the rig, and I was running ~150 Watts.


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