Well.....SLW was in Austin visiting a friend, did a trip-and-fall at a venue they were at on Sunday, and wound up in the ER with two broken bones at her arm/wrist junction. The Doctors in the ER took X-Rays, pronounced she had two broken bones, and then splinted it, wrapped it, gave her a few painkillers and an Rx for some additional ones, and sent her on her way.
She toughed it out Sunday night and Monday, but changed her flight to the earliest one she could get on Tuesday. Every bump, jiggle, and bounce on the ride back made her wince, and she cried in pain a couple of times, as the few pills she was able to get from the pharmacy wore off.
We spent most of today at the Orthopedic Clinic, getting more detailed X-Rays, and some consultation. She's going in Monday morning for surgery to realign things, and install a plate and two screws to hold things in position while the bones knit back together. It's outpatient surgery, and she'll be home in the afternoon. I never thought I'd ever hear her say "Thank GOD for Percocet", but then I've never seen her in that kind of pain.
Son had two days of orientation and training at his new company's place in Denver, and he was out in the field today, all day. He'll be working out of Greeley, and today they were down by Fort Lupton on Weld 19 flagging for a company upgrading the electric service to the area. Tomorrow they'll be in Broomfield doing the flagging for a repaving job off 287. So far he likes it (one day?), and he's getting the same pay as he was making in Lost Angeleez, with about 1/10th the stress, so he thinks it's a good trade.....so far!