Saturday, May 9, 2020

Red Dots!

Since my wife has trouble with the iron sights on her TRR-8 357 revolver, *AND* her instructor mumbled something about the gun needing an optic, I popped for an early birthday present for her with a HOLOSUN Reflex Sight.

It got very good reviews on several sites I read, and Brownell's had it in stock  at a good price, so I ordered it.

I'll wait'll she goes out on one of her shopping excursions, and sneak it on to her pistol and set it up after it gets here.

Never thought she'd turn into a "gunney", but life is full of surprises.


  1. Wow! That's great that the wife is getting a nice Mother's day and birthday present like that. We're thinking about an optic for the AR Carbine but don't have one in mind yet.

    1. I bought a Fieldpoint on Amazon for $25for my AR. Now my AK and MP5 each have one. I know it's heresy, but...

    2. Yeah, I should get one for my AR. The iron sights on it are really good, but I'm getting OLD!

    3. What's "heresy" about an optic, Ed?

  2. Now all you need to get is one or two sets of those laser target thingymabobs so you can practice inside.

    Like Or something like that. Fancy laser snap cap things.

    1. I showed her those a while back and she thought they were "cute". I was looking at the "cans" that flop around when you hit them.

  3. That's a nice little 'practical' gift! :-) And yes, get her some laser training rounds.

  4. What a GREAT gift, and she'll enjoy it every time you go out.

    1. Yeah, she's really enamored of the optic on my 870. She likes the way the little red dot just "floats" there.

  5. What a sweet present!

    I have one on my Sig and it real helps.

    1. She's seen them on my 870 "Home Defense Boomer", and her instructor had on on her pistol. She'd never used one until her instructor wanted to watch her shoot a semi-auto, and she came home all enthused about one. Since it will probably help her shooting, I couldn't resist getting one for her birthday early next month.

  6. drjim, are they a direct replacement of you iron sights? Do you need any gunsmithing to place them?

    1. Her pistol came with a rail kit for above and below the barrel. I don't recall having to pull the rear sight to put the rail on. I'm pretty sure it screws down into the tapped holes on the frame in front of the existing rear sight.

  7. Holosuns are great. I have three different ones and heartily recommend them.

    1. Thanks! I'd like one for this AR I shoot once in a while, and I'll give this one a good going over when it gets here.

  8. Well done, sir.

    I chose the HS512C model for my AR, primarily because it is enclosed. I am just a little goosey about the open style sights for this particular application because they are exactly that--open to the world between the projector and the lens. Any debris landing there will block the beam.

    I have an ancient Firepoint sight that resides on my .38 Super. It's a 1911 platform that I built and re-sprung to shoot wadcutter loads in NRA Bullseye pistol matches.

    1. If I like this one I'll probably get another. I've had some CHEEP red dot sights before and they either aren't very bright, don't fit very well, or fail after a few magazines have been fired. My instructor back in SoCal always buys Trijicon, but they're a bit too expen$ive for me.

  9. Robert Heinlein had plenty to say about the lethality of the female of the species. My own dear wife, Southern born and bred, washed in the Blood, born again, and a true saint among women, has her very own AR-15 and knows how to use it.

  10. @ALL - The red dot arrived as scheduled, BUT...the wife refuses to open the package until her birthday.
    C'Est la vie.....


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