Saturday, May 30, 2020

Late Spring Storm!

I've been watching the weather today, and we went from a 20% chance of rain to 30%, then to 40%, and now it's pouring, with "garbanzo bean sized" hail.

And it hurts when it hits!

It just started to rain, then small hail started coming down. By the time I'd cleared space in the garage,(maybe two minutes), and ran in the house to get the keys for SLW's car, it was raging, and I got pelted with a whole bunch of big hail while running (well, what *I* call "running") from the garage to her car.

That stuff hurts!

We got .15" of rain in a few minutes, and the yard was covered with hailstones. The hail melted within minutes as it was 85* here all day, and yesterday, and the ground was pretty warm.

I think we'll get some more rain, but the heavy stuff has passed.

Here's what my weather station recorded. Not the rapid rise in barometer and humidity, accompanied by a large drop in temperature.

And the radar from 2025 local time.

Still some out there, and the radar return indicates we should be having sprinkles, but nothing yet.


  1. Praise God that you are okay, drjim. God bless.

    1. Thanks, Linda. No biggie here, this one just came up faster than expected.

  2. So, a fast walk then? Or, power striding? It should be against all laws of nature, 85 degrees and hail stones big enough to feel like shrapnel...I know basic meteorology, but still is freaky.

    1. Rapid gimp walk? Well...the hip is MUCH better, but the knees would blow-out if I "ran" more than 50'.

      Updated the post with some data from my weather station. The temperature DROPPED about 20* right as the rain started.

  3. So far the storm has stayed North of us. Just sprinkles.

  4. Glad it was over fairly quickly. We had lightning & thunder yesterday, extremely rare in these parts. Rain today, but nothing special.

    1. Yep, it blew through here in about 15~20 minutes, then....nothing! Just some small sprinkles.

      And this morning we were greeted with a backyard full of mushrooms! Have to get out my sprayer full of vinegar/water and go knock 'em down.....

  5. Glad there was no damage.
    Hail can do a lot of damage very quickly.

    1. We've been lucky here, but a couple of years ago when The Kids were living up in Bellvue, they got clobbered. Their cars were OK (parked under some big trees), but the house looked like somebody opened up on it with a 50cal machine gun....

  6. Send it this way! We need the rain!

    1. I thought you guys got flooded a week or so ago?


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