Friday, April 24, 2020

Emporor Polis Threatens Weld County

I think Weld County should tell him to go pound sand.....

Read all about it over here...


  1. The five counties surrounding Denver, along with Denver, have a population around 2,780,000. The state, 5,759,000. These counties vote Democrat. They are the ones to whom Polis caters. He has no love for the rural counties, nor they for him. At one rally in Northwest Colorado's Moffat County, he drew an audience of twelve.

    My guess is the Weld County commissioners, who tend to be arrogant assholes in their own right, will lose this fight.

    1. I barely know the Larimer County Commissioners, so I'll take your word.

      I *know* Polis is despised in most of Colorado. Even in Laporte and Bellvue people spit on the ground when you mention him, and there was a strong movement to recall him, but I think it just petered out.

  2. Unless& until the voters can make the county commissioners fear losing their fiefdoms, then nothing will change.

    1. The county commissioner is a much, much bigger office than back in Illinois or Kommiefornia. They wield some hefty clout.

      Been here 2-1/2 years, and I'm still trying to understand county politics, and who the players are...

  3. Good points, and November may be interesting...

    1. Like WSF said, though, we barely have 50some% that don't live in the Front Range Urban Corridor. It's a very similar situation to what I grew up with in Illinois; Chicago wanted to run the whole damn state, and usually got their way.

  4. The decreasing price of oil will stress the system and it's bound to cause more fiscal responsibility, which the Democrats can't ever seem to manage.

    1. The people will demand it, but we know how that goes when our betters think otherwise...


Keep it civil, please....

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