Thursday, April 16, 2020

April Showers Bring May Flowers.....

But April snowstorms bust up trees!

We got clobbered pretty good last night. Not as much as the Thanksgiving storm, but a bunch nonetheless.

I haven't crawled out to measure this, but I'm guessing 14~16"?

It even stopped my anemometer and windvane....

And broke two branches on our poor little crab apple tree...

Loaded up (no pun intended, SiG!) my ground radials on the 20 Meter vertical, too...

It's pretty, but I hope the branch on the maple tree makes it!

Bent down the lilac bush by the side of the garage...

And pulled the juniper away from the side of the garage, too...

Oh, well.....Time to get the boxes off this thing, the batteries off the charger and into this thing, and go do battle with the Forces of Nature!

Y'all be safe out there!


  1. My snow rake came apart cleaning this heavy wet snow off my vehicles. The handle pulled out of the rake. Sheesh, I've only had it ten years. Even after cleaning hundreds of vehicles this shouldn't happen!

    It is back together again with some Liquid Nails. Hope I don't need to do this every ten years.

    1. "I Remember When..." stuff lasted more than 10 years!


  2. Our snow is finally melting, and has gone from 14" to 7" in the backyard (mostly sheltered). I can even see parts of my driveway!

    1. I think this will be the last heavy snow of the season, but you never know here....

  3. Wow... At least by the time it gets here it will be ABOVE freezing...

  4. I'm so happy that it went north of us. We got the tail end on the south, but that was all. Arizona gets hit, but it seems to be half or less of what you accumulate.

    1. I always watch the WX down your way, and saw it go North of you.

  5. 4" here outside of Chicago. It'll be gone by mid morning. The daffodils are shrugging off this nuisance well.

    I was considering mowing the lawn today and spreading some crabgrass inhibitor. Maybe tomorrow.

    1. My Hot Rod buddies back there were moaning about it until they saw the pix I took.

  6. Wednesday?

    For perspective, it was 92 here Wednesday. Monday we wiped out the old record by hitting 96 - the record was 92.

    Thursday was "cold" - it was pretty much 70 +/- 2 for 24 hours.

    I'd consider you lucky, but I'm sure you're ready for it to be over by now.

    1. **DEFINITELY** ready for Spring to return!

      I'd gripe about how well the snow blower worked, but you're all tired of hearing it!


Keep it civil, please....

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