Friday, June 21, 2019

First Day of Summer, Winter Storm Warning, and Field Day 2019

Expecting rain through Sunday, so no post hole diggin' this weekend!

And as we welcome Summer to the year, the NWS in Denver has issued a Winter Storm Warning, with up to 10" of new snow above 9000', along with a Tornado Warning for Elbert County, which is East of Colorado Springs. Must be GloBULL Warming!

And this weekend is the ARRL Field Day, and as last year, I'm sitting this one out. Strangely enough, I didn't get any announcements from the local club concerning the when/where of the event this year, but from their website, it's in the same location as last year. Seeing as how the weather is going to be miserable for Ham Radio Field Ops, I'm not planning on making the 45 minute drive out to observe.....

Enjoy the weekend!


  1. 71° and sunny here, with nary a cloud in sight. After the last two solstices which were overcast and rainy, a day of sunlight is SO welcome. Stay safe down there!

  2. 1st day of Summer, and at 1630 I'm driving with my headlights on in rain. Colorado!

    1. We had "June Gloom" in SoCal, but it never rained....

  3. It's 9 PM and 89 here. The morning weather gave the UV index as "fatal within 15 minutes". (OK, I made up the second one, not the first)

    I think I might do class 1D again. Just hand out points for stations that are out in the field trying. Either that or hang out on 50.313 FT8 looking for openings.

    1. We get that same UV index here when it clear and sunny. Being up at 5100' thins out the air so much that "Thompson's Water Seal" barely makes it one year due to UV degradation.

  4. I read the whole QST issue on Field Day, then went back and flipped thru it again, and I'll be stuffed if I can find a SINGLE place where they mention the dates...

    So no Field Day for me.

    1. It's always the last, full weekend in June.

  5. Interesting weather this year...

    1. Being stuck in Lost Angeleez for 35 years made me forget what REAL weather was like.

      Now I'm observing the continental weather patterns vs the coastal weather patterns. I always check the NWS radar for your area, and LL's area, just to see what you guys are having.


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