Friday, March 3, 2017

Welcome Baby Noah!

Well, here he is:

2.2 pounds, and 12" long. He'll be spending some time in the Baby ICU until he can fully cope with "Life on the Outside" on his own.

Mother and child are doing well, considering the circumstances.

My wife is ecstatic.........


  1. May the Lord heal him, grow him, and cause him to thrive.

  2. Prayers for Noah and his family. So precious.

  3. It truly is a miracle what the medical system can successfully do for kiddos this little. Prayers that he continues to thrive and grow, and that Mom does well also.
    Hopefully he won't always be this impatient!

  4. That's great news, congrats to the new parents!

  5. Both my kids were born very prematurely, and both had high bilirubin counts. They had to stay in the hospital awhile before they could come home. But they were both fine, it all worked out .

  6. Best wishes for Mother and son. And congratulations for you and the Missus!

  7. Congratulations, Grandpa!

    A friend of mine's first grandchild was born about 8 weeks premature, which is close to this. Four years ago. He's fine; great health, no evidence of damages, last I heard.

  8. Thanks, everybody.

    Latest word is they're both doing fine. I haven't heard when his Mom will get back home, but he'll be in the Baby ICU for at least a month.

  9. Congratulations to all and God bless.

  10. Congrats! Hope all goes well going forward :)

  11. Congrats and best wishing for the mom and baby.

  12. So very happy for y'all; get as much sleep as you can. Sincere congratulations and prayers enclosed.

  13. Just saw this on my lunch break. That is awesome! I know you will have your worries, but we had a premie in my family, much smaller than this little one, technology of 20 some years ago, and he thrived, grew up speaking four languages fluently (including Mandarin) and teaches at a Christian school in the far east. We are very proud and I know you are as well!

  14. The stork did well.


  15. Congrats, and a warm welcome to Noah!
    One of my grands was much smaller than Noah when born, and she is a fighter and has thrived. Smart as all get out and an honor student in jr high now.
    Prayers Up!


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<i>Tonight's Weather from Fort Collins....</i>

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