Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Duh.....Forgot What I Was Going To Post

Must be an after effect of stopping the Chantix......

Anyway....got a couple of posts I'm working on, including one on "Basic Soldering" that I'm doing for the Celica Supra guys.

Some of the WORST soldering I've ever seen has been on automotive stuff, so I'm rewriting a primer I've used in the past to help teach the guys over there what I know.

If I was a big-time prepper, I suppose I could call it "SHTF Soldering" or something clever......

Be back after I spray the weeds in the back yard........


  1. Replies
    1. Ditto. I'm still too afraid of frying my laser diode when i build a kit I bought. There are sure to be a few tips that will apply to "micro" soldering.

      By the way, I saw a great technique involving a bit of diesel fuel used by an old guy in the video called, "The World's Fastest Indian." A comedy starring Anthony Hopkins and a few other oldies.

  2. When I get it revised, I'll put it on Google Drive.

    -OR- I can email it to you.

  3. Not completely finished. I still have to add a couple of sections and the pix, but here's the link.



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