Tuesday, December 2, 2014


And boy, we need it!

It started raining about 0500 this morning, and is supposed to keep up through Wednesday morning.

So far it's been a nice, steady rain, with the rain gauge showing .39" since this storm began, but it's starting to pool in all the low spots in the backyard, and the scanner has a lot of traffic about road closures due to flooding.

No word on any mud slides, though.

And the dog, who doesn't like to go out in the rain, is in "Max Bladder Hold Mode" right now. She'll go scratch at the door, I'll open it, and she sticks her head out the door, looks up at me, and heads back in the house.

As soon as it beaks a bit, I'll grab her and get her to go out, whether she likes it or not.

AND, we're up to .93" since midnight, which is quite a bit for us to get all at once.


  1. I know you folks need it badly, and pray it doesn't flood.

  2. I was actually thinking about you and Wirecutter in this rain. As I'm sure you know, these rains are associated with El Nino events and we have one going. It's not a strong one, but it's definitely there.

    Hope you don't go from drought to washed away!

  3. The first year I moved in here, about 5 years ago, we had a very wet winter. The back yard was so flooded I almost went to Harbor Freight and bought a pump!

    We had to sandbag the garage door because the water was starting to go in the garage!

    So far today we just have some big puddles in the back yard, but then we hav[en't received 4" of rain in one storm like back then!

    As of 1530 local (2330 UTC), we've received .78", and it's still raining.

    As long as we get a good snow pack this year, things should improve slightly, but who knows how many "wet" winters we'll need to replenish the aquifers.


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